What’s the most disrespectful thing someone’s done to you? How did you react?

  1. People did a lot of disrespectful things to me in middle school I can’t even pick one

  2. Dude tried to spit on me after a verbal disagreement in a bar. The only acceptable reaction, extreme violence.

  3. The most? No idea.

    The most recent? Was on a medieval festival with a friend of mine and two wenches. One of those came up to me, almost threw her backpack on me, and told me that I am now carrying it and started to immediately walk somewhere.

    Told her that it most likely would get stolen and that I would not leave it just lying there in the dirt and went to have some Met with my friend. Without the backpack ofc.

  4. My mother put her hands on me when she was drunk and I was about 16. For reference, I’m a big husky guy. I was 6’ and probably 225 at the time. Half muscle half fat. I was emotionally going through a tornado of things at that age and I finally just lost it. I grabbed her wrist when she was going to hit me again, twisted it behind her back, and slammed her face and front of her body into some cabinets and gave her a bloody nose. I lost myself in rage. Luckily I immediately felt remorse for what I did and let go and ran away for a half hour. When I came back home she was locked in her room. Never apologized to me for it. Cut contact last year finally, 11 years later. Can’t help addicts.

  5. I was getting ready to leave a school I had killed myself improving for years to work in a different city and asked the principal (who was new that year) for a letter of rec. There were tons of people who knew me better and could speak to the differences I had made there, but schools expect one of your rec letters to be from your most recent principal. I gave him two months notice before I needed it.

    Dude sent me a letter three weeks after I had told him I would need it by, and it was the single worst form letter I had ever read. Half the pronouns were still wrong from the last time he had used it. I barged into his office, called him on his disrespect, and told him he would be signing the letter of rec I wrote for myself.

  6. Had a guy pull himself up on the wall of the stall while I was shitting and make prolonged eye contact while smiling at me. I don’t know if he was just looking for a fight or if he’s a sex pervert. Doesn’t really matter I guess.

    I told him to fuck off (multiple times) and when I was done with the matter at hand came out and confronted him at the bar. Bartender knew that look on my face, we were separated the second I raised my voice before any punches were thrown and the dude got permabanned.

    I wish I’d had a regular can of mace gel on me, I only had the bear size and that woulda been a catastrophe for everyone on the premises. At least he’s 86’d.

  7. Ex wife cheated on me with a dude from tinder…. Bc she was afraid I’d leave her.

  8. Ex fiancee dumped me, gaslit me, kept a 40 thousand dollar engagement ring and then blocked my number. Can sue her, debating it.

  9. My wife asked if I should call another guy to help me install a light bulb. I was so fucking mad almost wanted to divorce her for it.

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