Watching Summerslam and I see Slim Jim is plastered everywhere and I want to know what the fuck it is, is it like a Pepperami

  1. It’s a delicious, cheap overly salted meat stick made of beef, pork, and mechanically separated chicken

  2. Its a meat stick. Pretty greasy, and low quality. Still something good about it, in a “I hate myself for eating this” sort of way, when you’re riding around to different public hunting plots.

  3. It’s one of those things that you think back on with nostalgia, but then when you get one in current day you’re like “eh, it’s okay.”

    Repeat every few months to a year

  4. It’s a low quality stick of beef jerky. They’re okay. I take them on long roadtrips for snacking.

  5. They’re like heavily spiced dried sausages sold at convenience stores. They were more popular in the early 90s and had a big marketing campaign featuring pro wrestler Macho Man Randy Savage.

    “Snap into a slim Jim! Ohhh yeahhh!”

    The taste is very salty, oily, and seasoned. Not something you want to eat a lot of.

  6. Cheap meat stick that is available in every gas station and convenience store in the US. They are really quite satisfying. SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM OOOH YEAH!!

  7. It’s a greasy salty stick of highly spiced dubious meat that is delicious when you have the munchies in the middle of the night and there’s nothing else to eat at the gas station . It’s also the name for a device used to break into cars.

  8. A slim Jim is also a tool used to open a locked car door. It is a very long strip of very thin metal that is inserted between the driver’s side window and door and manipulated to pull the latch linkage to unlock the door.

  9. Beef jerky’s embarrassing cousin mated with a gas station hotdog, and the slim Jim was born.

    It’s delicious… But also awful…

  10. Guilty pleasure heartburn sticks. Probably the most potentially unhealthy and harmful thing you can purchase that’s not regulated like alcohol or tobacco

  11. One time the WWF (before they were WWE) employed a comic for the end-of-the-week show hosting job. They fired him for making fun of Slim Jims. Specifically, he said “Slim Jims! For when you don’t care *what* part of the cow you’re eating.” as a riff.

    Slim Jims are inexpensive, spiced processed meat snacks. Not as dry as jerky or something like that, not as fancy as, say, summer sausage, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Slim Jims expiring. They keep a long time, so they’re perfect for convenience stores.

    The WWE has a long association with Slim Jims, but a lot of people specifically have the association of them with the late “Macho Man” Randy Savage. (So much so that if you ask people to do an imitation of him, if it doesn’t include “Oooh, yeah! DIG IT!” or “Bonesaw is ready!”, it will probably include “Snap into a SLIM JIM!”)

    There’s a pretty funny running thing going on now on social media, where an indy wrestler named WARHORSE (all caps) is trying to get the Slim Jim people to notice him as a new spokeswrestler.

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