35 NB profile review, they/them pronouns

Hi everyone, I’ve been in a 8yr relationship and then single for awhile so I feel like a fish out of water dating. I’m not doing well with matches so I think it’s time to seek the honest opinion of strangers : )

I’ve not done this before but here’s the profile [https://imgur.com/gallery/XVWVMrB](https://imgur.com/gallery/XVWVMrB)


I’m single, no kids and never married. I’m looking for a LTR/marriage one day with someone who is a good communicator, someone to travel with and whose somewhat into adventure and doing things together as a couple. My ideal partner would be BLM, A LGBTQ+ ally.


I own my own home, car (though I don’t think those two things need to be on a profile?) good job, I volunteer at a foodbank and my hobbies incl swimming, pole, flexibility training and I’m a fire breather. I’ve stopped adding the pole and fire on my profile because it attracts the wrong attention lol.



Update: Thank you everyone for the feedback and lovely comments. I’ve updated my profile if anyone wants to see [https://imgur.com/gallery/uzRxdsJ](https://imgur.com/gallery/uzRxdsJ)

I already know I need some better pictures. I’m having some pole/flex photos taken professionally in Oct and a friend is visiting in a few weeks so they can help me out. I do think, I might have some professional photos taken next year because the iphone can only do so much. Thank you again.

  1. Edit:

    Your new profile is -much- better. I can now see you have tattoos, your level of fitness, that you have interesting hobbies, I get a good sense of what kind of things you enjoy doing and I can more easily tell now if we’d be a fit or not. I get a much more positive “I want to be around this person” vibe. If you can update some of the pictures with more recent, clear ones then it’d be amazing.

    Original response:

    Your profile should be, “This is what I want you to ask me about.” It’s putting conversation starters out there. From your profile I gather the only thing you’d be interested in talking about is your dogs and how much you dislike children. Fun. You can include small fun facts that lead to stories you like to tell. In my dating profile for example I put, “I smuggled a cat across international borders.” That got me more matches than anything else I put down and in telling that story you’ll learn a lot about my history, who I am, what I’m like, what I enjoy, and so on.

    Anyways…on to pictures.

    One dog picture is enough, the one with you in it. I don’t need a picture of your dogs in your profile. I’ll ask for that later if we match. You have a great smile and only feature it in two of your photos. The rest you look disengaged/uninterested. You also have all indoor selfies from the chest up.

    So scrap the pic of your two dogs and the two pics where you’re not smiling. In there places get a full body picture of you, a picture of you outside somewhere (urban or nature, doesn’t matter, just needs to be natural light) and preferable a picture of you engaged in either a hobby you enjoy or in a social setting.

  2. I agree with all of /u/Zehnpae’s notes.

    Why not talk about your postgrad, or hobbies, or art you like, music, etc.? I’d also add some photos of you doing your hobbies.

    Do you go by “Mx. Charlie” or “Charlie” and you’re highlighting that you’re non-binary?

  3. All I know about you (from your profile) is that you’re attractive, don’t want kids & have dogs. Me too! Is that enough to consider dating me?

    Your profile doesn’t tell me anything about you. There’s nothing on your profile that gives me an opportunity to start a conversation.

    You mention here on reddit that you want “someone to travel with and whose somewhat into adventure and doing things together as a couple” but there is ZERO on your profile that indicates you’re into adventurous things. You mention here on reddit that you have hobbies but they’re not on your profile either.

    You look attractive in your pictures BUT they’re not great dating profile pictures. You have 4 headshot selfies (2 wearing the same shirt so probably taken together, & one is a picture of a picture) and 1 pic of your dogs without you.

    Keep the picture of you with your dog and replace the rest. Full body, outside, doing something, one where you’re smiling with teeth (like the picture of a picture selfie). They should be clear pictures where it’s obvious who you are.

    Think about the profiles that YOU swipe on. What makes you swipe? Now imagine they see your profile, what’s going to make them want to match with you?

  4. Are you open to dating anyone, or men only, women only, nb only, etc. (I wasn’t sure based on your profile)? That could be a little limiting depending on where you are located and the overall population. Obviously not something you can change, just as a heads up on match #s.

    I also think you are stunning! I think your photos could be better and I’d remove the extra dog photo. I agree with adding more info about yourself to help people know you better.

  5. I am a gay woman. I would swipe right because you’re hot, but expect to be unmatching quickly. Profile is super bland and gives me nothing interesting. And I say that as a dog trainer.

    The last two paragraphs you wrote about on your reddit post? That’s what actually needs to go on your profile. As well as a couple of photos doing anything other than sitting at home if you’re trying to pull someone adventurous. Good luck out there.

  6. You are so beautiful! Unfortunately some people don’t like dogs (monsters) so that may be limiting your matches but you don’t need those people. I do think maybe swapping out the photo of the dogs without you might be a good idea. Even for another photo of you and your dog(s). Ideally a full length one. And as somebody already said maybe swap out one of the selfies for one of you doing something active / social. I can imagine the kind of stuff you get with pole photos 🙄 but maybe something else.

    I’m also child free but I think there’s an option to select that on your profile. And maybe mention it again but not at such length. I always think people should be positive on their profiles, I hate when people makes lists of deal breakers and the like because it’s just so negative and it bums me out.

    But overall you are beautiful and seem to have a full life and a lot to offer. Quality over quantity when it comes to matches!

  7. I’m not on bumble, but you can message me on here, cuz I’m interested 😉😘

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