I’m dating this guy I met on Facebook, he was the first one to add me. It’s been almost two months now since we started dating and I guess I can say it’s going well. But I’ve been “insecure” and caught him messaging other women for money etc including his exes which lead us to a bad argument… he doesn’t have his own phone right now and is borrowing mine. I told him I could help him buy a new phone soon and he declined and said he doesn’t want one. Idk if this is a good sign but it makes me happier and feel more secure. Is this a red flag on his or my part??

  1. The fact that he is 32 and can’t afford his own phone/needs to ask others for money is big red flag.


  2. Pretty sure your asking the wrong questions here. The question is why are you with a man in his 30s who can’t even afford to buy his own phone and keeps in contact with his ex’s?

    Girl, gain some self respect.

  3. He’s 32, can’t afford his own phone and asks his exes for money?

    Wow.. where did you meet this catch?

  4. yooure in your prime and dating brokeass man?

    35 is the age most men reach their financial maturity, if i were him i would expect him to be able to uy one himself if he is not temporarily broke.

  5. I wouldn’t even say the age is the issue, it pushes THE issue to an extreme. Borrowing your phone because he can’t afford one. Messaging other people for money (male or female). These things are enough to get him out the paint.

  6. It’s a red flag that he is 32 and doesn’t have a cellphone now a days. Go do something better; it sounds like this guy is a loser.

  7. So after posting on Reddit is you next step Maury or Jerry Springer.

    32 year old guy no phone and using your phone to text other women for money.


  8. Dude stoooooop. Have like half an ounce of self respect. I was dumb at 23 but I was never *this* dumb.

  9. Take your phone back. I would say block him but he does not have a phone. Honey, don’t talk to this man ever again.

  10. He’s using you because of your age. He’s in his 30’s and has nothing viable of his own. Leave him to his shenanigans and date someone who doesn’t use your resources and waste your time. Stop making excuses for him

  11. Don’t ruin your life. 32 year old man doesn’t have a phone, not by his own choice, borrows 23 year old girlfriend’s phone, messages other women online for money. Girl, you’ll be better off being single rather than this tbh.

  12. This isn’t even an age thing, 9 years difference at those ages isn’t exactly shocking or weird, it’s just this particular one sounds like a waster. He could be dating another 32 year old and the situation would be exactly the same.

  13. He is using you because no woman his age would put up with that shit. Leave this loser.

  14. This whole post is a red flag from both parties. The question answers itself: breaaakkk uppppp.

  15. He definitely have a phone. Everyone have a phone. He just don’t want you to know 😅

  16. I’m calling your bluff, there’s no way this is real. Four months ago you posted to this same subreddit that you were dating a guy that was 37. If it is true, then please do yourself a favour and start catching these obvious red flags and if it’s not true as I suspect, then why are you wasting your time like this

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