What’s the most American car ever made?

  1. Depends on what you mean by “most American” but I’d put the Ford F-150 up there.

    Seems like you’re getting some “Classic Americana” answers too from others, so maybe that’s what you were going for

  2. The Chevy Suburban.

    It’s American to the bone… it’s huge… always was huge… and has been in continuous production for nearly 90 fucking years.

    This is the best answer, the only answer and you can come fight me if you disagree.

  3. It has to be any pickup truck from the Ford F-series line. No other vehicle besides the “hot-rod” has ever been a more quintessential example of American motor vehicle history and contributed as vastly to the world wide spread of Americana.

  4. Ford Model 18 aka 32 Ford or Deuce Coupe

    1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air

    Both are quintessentially American and are recognizable by people who don’t know shit about cars. They might not the name or make, but they would at least recognize the vehicle.

  5. Overall or in recent years?

    Overall I’d say the ford model T, since it was the first mainstream manufactured American car.

    I remember reading recently that the most American made car *currently* is the Tesla Model Y.

  6. Chevrolet Suburban. Longest model of continuous production and has been an Amercian stolen for generations. True “SUV” built body on frame and until very recently with a solid rear axle like a pickup truck. V8 engine and 3 rows of seats it can tow like a half ton pickup and haul kids/gear like a minivan. Most American thing I can think of is a family of four living the suburbs driving their Suburban to drop the kids off at school.

  7. Completely different but the Grumman LLV aka a mail truck. The USPS owns over 100,000 of them purchased from 1987-1994 and there’s a crap ton of them still going strong 30+ years later. Designed and assembled in the US, immediately recognizable, freaking tanks.

  8. I would say the Corvette or the Mustang. That in my own opinion what I think of when you ask the above question.

  9. Ford Model-T

    It literally led to the entire creation of American car culture that shapes every aspect of American life, from the way our cities are laid out to the way our homes are built.

    It was an innovative American product using all the hallmarks of American industriousness built by Americans in America for Americans from American made parts and materials.

  10. Ford F-150, Symbolizes everything about America. It’s the most successful vehicle ever made, and one of the most widely known vehicles around the world.

  11. Amazed no one is saying anything about Monster Trucks. Nothing more American then watching a truck as big as a house do donuts and crush other cars while eating deep fried food at a fair grounds.

  12. The Ford Galaxie stands out in my mind as being exuberantly American in its sensibilities. It was just a Big. Fucking. Car. And that’s all it was. They took the general idea of a car, did absolutely nothing revolutionary to it in terms of style or functionality, and just made it big. A big, fat fucking rolling eyesore. I can imagine Italians designing the Corvette, or Russians the Hummer, in an alternate reality, but I can’t imagine any other nation bringing the Ford Galaxie to market. It was the car that says “Cars are good, so 30% more car has to be better, right?”

  13. Ford Crown Victoria (and its Mercury Grand Marquis and Lincoln Town Car variants) was the last *real* American Car to be sold…. although I believe it was manufactured in Ontario Canada.

    Rear wheel drive, body on frame construction, huge and comfortable, gigantic trunk. It was the last hurrah for the full size American Car.

    So many cabs, cops, limos, etc. used this car for so long in their fleets that I’m going to go with this answer. Engines were indestructible.

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