I tried having sex with my bf for the first time (f21 m21) and it backfired. I’m overweight and kept hiding my stretch marks. He didn’t like sucking my nipples. I gave him a blowjob which was dun and he said I didn’t a good job with it. But after all that, I was too dry and nervous to get the job done. We didn’t have lube so I forced myself on his penis and ripped a little bit of my hymen. We had to stop because of the bleeding. I don’t know if that counts as losing my virginity but this just made me realize I could never have sex properly. I’m clueless. I don’t know how to become aroused. What are some foreplay stiff I could do for him? How do I make myself aroused? I don’t wanna get hurt again but I need to please him. Help please!!!

  1. Can I ask why you’re stressing out so much trying to please this person who’s putting in literally no effort for you?

  2. I don’t know how *you* become aroused, but I become aroused from praise and nipple play. Since he hated sucking your nipples, and insulted your blow job, he’s currently 0/2 in my books.

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