What is the hardest part about your job to you?

  1. Probably marketing, it wasn’t something I was interested by so learning about it was/is quite the struggle for me cause focusing on something I don’t necessarily have an interest for is hard for me to do.

  2. The paranoia of leaving my car in that narrow ass parking garage. Despite having my own spot, the threat is real

  3. Constantly worrying that I’ll lose my biggest clients, which would mean losing almost all of my income.

  4. Being able to differentiate lessons to accommodate different learning styles and speeds.

  5. Getting vomited on, the pee and shit I’ve just kinda gotten used to but vomit that goes directly on me always makes my stomach do a flip

    Second to that, long hours, no pay, and listening to screaming all day

  6. I am a teacher in a very bad neighbourhood and a lot of my pupils have very severe problems of all kinds (physical and mental abuse at home, poverty, drug abuse, …). We had four students in the last three years take their own life. It can be very hard at times to get a distance from that and not take it all back home with me.

  7. The rare times I have to talk with patients. I’m in pathology for this very reason.

  8. Having to change every email I write before I send it, apparently even then I’m too blunt!

  9. Having to do increasingly more tasks that don’t benefit the company, but are just to make our department look good. It’s frustrating having to waste precious time on that.

    Also, the company started outsourcing more and more tasks which causes extra mistakes / make things more time consuming for the companies own employees. And get this: it doesn’t even make anything cheaper neccessarily, it just makes the cost appear elsewhere accounting-wise, which again makes my department look better but doesn’t acutally benefit anyone,

  10. I’m active duty Army.

    Smaller scale, the colleagues either make it awesome or make it a raging dumpster fire.

    Bigger picture: I have enough experience these days that my actual job is pretty straightforward. The bureaucracy and institutional inertia that like to factor in where they ideally wouldn’t, is what drives me bonkers.

  11. Going in when you really, really don’t want to.

    Something going on at home? Have to go in. Feeling burnt out? Have to go in. Aches, pains, period, sickness? You just gotta go in. Especially in a work environment with only a handful of people, you know if you don’t, you’ll double someone else’s workload.

  12. 1. There’s that one coworker…
    2. There’s a lot of fly-by-night decision making that takes place that causes a lot of confusion and panic over the need to constantly be changing shit that ain’t broken within a 24hr period when there’s so many moving pieces and people involved because there’s two many chiefs with opposing ideas – everyone decides who they follow based off “who’s in the better mood today.” And it’s sort of mess.
    3. I spend quite a bit if time away from home and don’t get much of an R&R between assignments.
    4. I feel like I’m going to get fired for even saying any of this – if that tells you anything!

  13. My job is very easy I don’t have a real job yet so I clean for two hours on mondays. If the hardest part of my job is me☠️ because I be getting in my head and talking to myself too much. Cleaning definitely doesn’t occupy my mind.

  14. When a patient that needs dental work done that can get them out of pain but can’t afford it destroys my heart. A lot of the time if it’s severe my boss will go ahead and do the procedure (extraction usually) and just write it off. I know how bad tooth pain is and I hate leaving anyone in that kind of pain.

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