How often should a couple have sex to maintain their relationship health?

  1. As frequently or infrequently as everyone involved desires and consents to do so provided that it isn’t so often that it’s negatively impacting their ability to live their daily lives.

    There’s no magic frequency or amount that would work for everyone’s desires, so it’s up to the individuals involved in the couple to know what they desire and discuss it together to determine compatibility.

  2. Depends on the couple, it’s just important to be on the same page. I also don’t think sex is essential for relationship health, you could be asexual after all and still enjoy a romantic, intimate relationship.

  3. depends on the couple. there’s no magic number to this.

    personally, i like having sex every day but i also don’t mind months of no sex. been there, done that. doesn’t mean the relationship isn’t healthy.

  4. This isn’t the sort of question there will be a one-size-fits-all x times per week answer for. As frequently as all parties consent to, would seem fairly obvious though.

  5. A good healthy long sex once a week will fulfill your all your needs and want make sure you both are satisfied if not then talk to your partner I believe in conversation while having fun.

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