I just want to start this post by saying that I’m not try to come of as an attention seeker or anything like thst. I’m really just sad at this point and I just want to be better.

So throughout my whole life I’ve had trouble talking to people and being around them, so therefore I didn’t have many friends. I’m not really into stuff that people usually like, I’m not good at sports and I don’t like music that people my age usually listen to, so I always had trouble finding topics to talk about with others.

But despite all of this I somehow managed to find 2 friend groups and kinda fit in when I started going to highschool. Everything seemed cool and I was very happy to hang out with all of them, but then suddenly they started ignoring me? First friend group stopped texting me, talking to me In general. I thought I did something wrong so I asked them about it, and they said that I talked too much (even doe I’m pretty sure I don’t), and that I’m annoying.

Fast-forward to two years later, I stopped talking when I’m around my friends, but nothing really changed. Both friend groups don’t really invite me to anything, and even doe people from the second friend group say that they like me and that I’m a really nice person, I still feel left out when I see all their posts of them having fun snd hanging out without me.

It got even worse now. I basically haven’t gone outside in six months, and I talk to no one now. I tried making new friends, but I’m pretty sure that everyone I talk to finds me annoying. I don’t want to blame others, since this can’t be their fault if it’s really everyone that doesn’t want to be around me.

So I came here to ask for help from others who were in the similar situation. I’m trying to change something. I don’t want to be like a mega popular kid that everyone likes, I’m just trying to make people not dislike me.

I don’t know if this is important, but I’m that skinny kid that wears all black and sits in the corner, I look like a stereotypical quiet kid I guess, that’s probably one of the reasons I’m seen as annoying.

Sorry for this long post.

1 comment
  1. Those old friends probably just didn’t vibe well with you which is very natural. Life’s too short to spend with people who don’t appreciate you for who you are. Keep making effort to be social with others when you can and eventually you’ll find someone you vibe with like peanut butter and jelly

    Also you can’t just assume everyone is automatically going to think your annoying or they won’t like you. There are 8 billion people to talk to on this planet it’s simply not true that not a single one wants your company. When you walk around with that mindset that everyone hates you, then you radiate that to others. People will pick up on those feelings of self hatred and they will be turned off. Hold yourself as if you are super interesting and a great person to be around.

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