I’m going to try and keep this short but add as much detail as possible for a better understanding.

There is this girl I haven’t seen since childhood (around 10-15years). I’m 23.

We started texting recently and I asked her if she wants to go out since its better than texting and she agreed.

We agreed to go out for dinner (at Big Easy restaurant) and then play some pool.

So I drove to her house to pick her up at 17:30 and we went to the restaurant. We talked and laughed… it was amazing, we had a lot in common.
She then asked me how things are with girls, which I did not expect…and then I also returned the favor and asked lol.

We then went to play pool and then she suggested bowling, so we played bowling as well, and it was very fun. She high fived me a couple of times when I did a strike lol. But I noticed a smile after turning around, when I was acting silly when throwing the ball, where it wasn’t just any smile, but like a “im so happy i went out with you” kind of smile. Or maybe it’s just in my head… I don’t know.

I then dropped her off at home at 23:00.

I paid for everything of course, because that’s how it should be done usually and she deserves it. I was happy to make her day. I said to her at the end of the day that I enjoyed it and she said she enjoyed it very much too. And she suggested in like a few weeks time, If i have time I can text her to go out again (cause she is busy and on holiday)

She is very nice and will never hurt a soul. So, I’m not sure if she was just being very nice and friendly or if she has some interest. She has the best personality and is one if the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. She is waaay “out of my league”

I just lifted my head and went with it and I was just being myself. I was always listening to her and I asked all about her and I was being silly and making her laugh.

Was this a date or just a casaul going out? Did she think we went out as friends only?

Should I ask her out to a real, proper date this time? Should I wait for her to text first? I’m an overthinker as you can see unfortunately haha. I went out with her yesterday. How long should I wait if I decide to text her?

Thanks for taking the time to read this 🙏

  1. I think you should tell her that you had a nice time tonight. How she responds could tell you a lot about how she perceived the evening. Then, I would ask her if you could take her on an official date.
    Just my opinion!

  2. Casual going out can turn into more. Don’t escalate with I have feelings, let’s have a romantic date type stuff. That could make her put her guard up. The label doesn’t matter. Just go spend time with her and be a little flirty, let things happen.

  3. You paid for everything—that can be a pretty clear sign to her it was a date in my experience

  4. Let the tension build naturally, sir. Until it’s palpable. Should that be the course you’re on with this gal. Else, be grateful you have reconnected with a childhood friend and move on.

  5. Text her and tell her you had a really good time spending time with her and you definitely want to do it again when she’s back from holiday. Keep the conversation going in between now and then.

  6. >She high fived me a couple of times when I did a strike lol.

    She is into you bro

  7. Yoooo my man 😀 I can tell that you’ve had a great time 😉 You both went to meet each other without expectations and as the time passed it seems to me that you both realised the chemistry there is between you two 😉 There is no rush though, especially when she told you she’s on holiday. As of right now there is an equal give and take, all is fine 😉 Live your life and when you have something interesting to share with her, text her just like that. See how she responds, if she’s also sharing her experiences with you. And after these few weeks ask her out on a date if you feel there is still an equal give and take between you two 😉 Be direct and confident in that. You see her as a potential romantic partner and make it clear you ask her out on a date, not as just friends 😉 I cheer for you and wish you all the best! 🙂

  8. ” paid for everything of course, because that’s how it should be done usually and she deserves it. I”
    Yet you said you went as friends? Usually friends pay themselves… Unless she taking advantage of another person or treating them but make the other know why you paid for them

  9. Give it to her straight, let her know you feel something more than friendship. It’s hard to tell from the information given but it seemed as if she really enjoyed herself with you and even gave you a timeline for the next meet up, I’d chalk it up to a day well had. Don’t overthink anything and direct clearly with her and everything should fall into place if it’s meant to be.

  10. This was clearly a positive interaction. That’s a good sign. It sounds like it could’ve been taken either as friends or a date. Definitely ask her on a date, and be straight up. “I’d like to take you on a date and see how things go” and let her tell you what she thinks. That way there’s no confusion on what it is.

  11. If I were the girl I would’ve taken it as a date. She’s into you homie

  12. You took the time to write this you thought it was a date and 99% of girls and guys are not going out with old friends like that alone 1 on 1 to just go out as friends if that where the case another friend or two would have been involved.

    Even if she didn’t think it was a date fully to start that’s what it turned into. Dates are almost never black and white it’s almost always for the first couple times just “going out with a guy” or the other way around. Don’t feel pressure to think of or call anything your doing with her a date just go with the flow and make your move for some more intimate stuff like holding her hand call her beautiful when you pick her up if she responds well to those simple things it’s a wrap my friend

  13. Slow your roll and don’t make assumptions. But ask for a real date and use that word “date”.

  14. This was a date. You picked her and paid. She voluntarily extended it. She asked if you were dating others. Aak her out again.

  15. Text her tell her you had fun. Ask her when to call on her again after the holiday and check in a couple of tomes before.

  16. It doesn’t matter whether it was a date or not. What really matters is that you felt a connection that has potential and that you see her in more of a romantic sense.

    Don’t worry about whether she’s “out of your league” or not, I say shoot your shot. If you know what you want and she already likes you to some extent, you’re better off asking her out before she finds some other dude or makes up her mind about you.

    The worst thing she could say is no.

  17. I think this is just a friend hangout but you can definitely escalate it into something more!

    Take your time to get to know her.

  18. As someone who has been where you’re at bro I can definitely tell you that this is not gonna end well.

    She might not say whether or not you’re dating, but she will give you every impression that you are. She just likes getting attention. Then once she meets some other guy that she likes better she’ll gaslight you and say that you’re “just friends.”

    Do yourself a favour and get away from this girl and her drama.

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