There’s a guy I’m interested in and the only thing I’ve noticed was that he started making more eye contact with me and addressed me in the group more than other people. But that’s all I got. How can you tell if a guy likes you? Guys, what do you do when you like a woman in a setting where you see her regularly? I notice in myself that from all the hurt I’ve experienced with dating I keep a guard up and I’m sure men do too. So it’s harder to figure out if someone is into you in the early stages.

  1. There’s a sure fire, one question test to determine if someone is interested in you romantically.

    “Would you like to go on a date with me?”

    If their answer is yes, congratulations! They like you.

    If it’s a No, bummer but at least now you know.

  2. I think most often we do absolutely nothing since we want to avoid being seen as creeps or inappropriate.

  3. He’s trying to see if he can get you interested, score 1 for him. Now, Since you work with him, Find out if he’s single, violent, responsible, respectful, productive, respected BEFORE you CARE if he likes you or not.

  4. I’m sure some dudes on here can give clearer advice but I’ve never questioned when a guy likes me. Women however WAY more confusing to figure out lol Most men at that age aren’t friendly just have a friend who’s a woman. If he likes you he’ll 1,000% let you know, he’ll want to move quicker into the sexual interest stage. If anything (early 30’s, late 20’s) I always found that’s the age range men just move way too damn fast, especially if they are ready for a relationship. They want to be damn married yesterday!

  5. Yeah it can be tough. You are correct that eye contact and mentions within a group are two signs that someone is into you.

    Why don’t you try talking to him one on one? If he prolongs the conversation that’s a good sign! I think you should talk to this person more before you try to ask him out or anything.

  6. Solid maybe. When you’re in the group, seat yourself next to him and begin light flirting to gauge him better. More eye contact, sprinkle in some compliments, innocent touching, big smiles and laughs. That should tell you more.

  7. Has he asked for your phone number? Any guy who asks for your phone number is interested in you, period.

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