I have this instinctual need to talk about things from my perspective, start sentences with I and share from my life without being asked to. Where does this kind of behaviour usually come from and what can I do to relearn and retrain myself to be more interested/attentive to others?

  1. Isn’t everyone by default? Look into solipsism, it’s an amazing philosophical concept, as is sonder.

    You have a good amount of insight and perspective, though. You don’t come across as self-ish. As challenging as it is, try asking more questions and listening actively before sharing your experiences. As someone who loves telling stories, I struggle with this. Still, if you remember what people have to say and actively ask them about it, you’ll be regarded as thoughtful and that’s extremely socially desirable.

  2. At least you know it.

    I have to remember not to finish peoples sentences or talk over them!

  3. Try consideration..? Ask more questions out loud wven if you feel silly just know youre “still” … “still me”yenno.?

  4. Develop and practice genuine care/curiousity/interest in other human beings. check the instinct to be continually sharing your perspective. Adopt the perspective that everyone has something, a gem, lesson, golden nugget to give you in learning about who they are as a human being, their stories, their journey etc. I found this may give others the opportunity to then get curious about you, ( but why share shit with other people who don’t want to listen anyways?) I find that when people genuinely ask out of their own fruition, sharing can be way more satisfying.

    When I cross paths with people or have the opportunity to connect. I like to revisit the fact that it’s wild we all exist in the first place and that a whole lot of shit had to line up for this person to be standing in front of me in this moment. & this magical moment is all there is, putting my attention where it belongs with the intention of connecting in a way that leaves both parties better off.

    So maybe that’s another piece, practice intention behind the words we speak&share and why we are connecting in the first place. What the ideal outcome would be or atleast emitting that vibe. Idk… you can feel when others aren’t open to hearing or sharing. Or when someone is starved for a conversation.

    Hope this helps 🤷‍♀️

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