Is it appropriate/inappropriate to go to a different state for a work event and after the event is over I go to a strip club for the first time with my boss, coworkers, and other executives, without telling my significant other of 5 years. I go on with the night and then tell my significant other the next day.

Can provide further context or further details if needed.

TLDR: Went to a strip club during a work trip with coworkers without asking or informing significant other, and then proceeded to tell them afterwards.

  1. Surely you don’t need us to tell you that going to a strip club while in a relationship was not ok

  2. That depends on the set boundaries of your relationship. If you adamantly convey distain towards him going to a strip club them its absolutely wrong. If you are ok with him doing the same then maybe it’s fine. He has a right to be upset about anything that upsets him. Try to figure out the root cause and do what you can to fix it.

  3. It sounds to me like you both either haven’t established boundaries in your relationship or maybe weren’t aware of every single one of them and had a misunderstanding due to that. I would sit down with him and have a long conversation about what’s ok/not ok for both of you in a relationship, and then see if you can agree on everything or if there are compromises that you both have to make. Personally I’d be pissed if my husband went to a strip club, but only if it was a female strip club. I’m a bit surprised that your s/o is upset with you going to a same sex strip club (unless you’re bi, I don’t know), but then again everyone is different and has different boundaries and that’s okay. Explain to him that you truly didn’t know it would bother him since it was a same sex strip club and tell him that it won’t happen again now that you know that it bothers him. And most importantly, have that conversation about establishing boundaries together and what you expect from each other so that it’ll be easier to avoid these kind of situations in the future!

  4. What happened? My friend divorced her SO when she found out that he hooked up with 2 strippers in the back room.

  5. If I was your partner I would be a little upset you didn’t tell me first, but honestly I’d be *more* upset you went with your boss and colleagues??? Like why ? That is the last place I’d want to be with coworkers. Did you know it was a strip club before going?

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