curious !

  1. I would be thrilled and flattered if a woman made the first move.

  2. AWESOME so much that my mind would be blown like supernovas in the space.

  3. Since most guys don’t usually experience what you’re suggesting I’d recommend being completely unambiguous about your intent when you speak to the man. If you try to “suggest” or “hint at” your intent he may well completely miss the message.

    I’d go with “hey (name), I’m wondering if you’d like to go to (dinner/movie/bowling/party/etc) with me?

    Be prepared to further explain that it will, indeed, be a “date”. Good luck.

  4. If you make the first move on a guy he will always say yes, because they’re attention starved. This way you never know if he actually likes you or if he just took you because you were willing and there. Probably will end in a hookup and getting ghosted after

  5. As a guy that is used to making the first move (and of course getting the subsequent rejections), I absolutely loved it when a girl made the first move for a change. Has genuinely been the most enjoying meet ups so far. Was new but definitely not a turn off she asked me first.

    We already had made plans to do a friendly activity (me joining her for a trial lesson at her shooting club; we met at my old workplace when I visited my old coworkers and she offered I could join her as in my country shooting isn’t something usual to do and it had been on my bucketlist). Gave my number, we started texting and while I figured to wait until the shooting date before potentially asking her out(I prefer to do that face to face) , she texted to ask me for a date after a few days and the first date actually happened before we went to the shooting range. So go ask the guy if you like him. If he is potentially interested, he will like it and if he is shy/insecure about dating, it may boost his confidence too 😉

  6. Make the first move, most men will wait too long because we don’t want to be wrong about your signals and seem like creeps.

  7. If an attractive girl made the first move on me I think I’d be speechless lol but it would be very attractive

  8. Mind blowing and amazingly sexy! At the end of an awesome date the woman asked ‘can you do me a favor? Can you give me something?’ I said ‘what’s that?’ She wanted a kiss and I went in and it was an amazing first kiss….

    No matter what happens I’ll never forget that moment and her.

  9. It basically comes down to whether or not a guy is attracted to the girl.

    Not many guys are going to be upset with a girl they consider to be “hot” making the first move.

    Having said that, if a guy is insecure or lacks confidence, *he* may feel awkward.

  10. I’m not a guy but my experience was me flirting and making first moves and my now boyfriend not realising until a year later and looking back on old messages 😭 I’ll pray for you that if you make the first move he understands the signals haha

  11. As a girl I feel like I always make the first move because I am attracted to ugly guys so they probably don’t think they are worthy enough to have me. & most of the time they aren’t

  12. Guys on Reddit: YES

    Guys in real life: Sorry, I’m only interested in casual sex



    Stop hiding behind your computers so we can find you!

  13. I’ve tried making the first move but boys seem to be scared of me then, what should I do?

  14. The guys I know who had it happen to them were super flattered. I would never approach someone in public unless it was in a bar or something and I was already drunk lol

  15. some will like it, others prefer more tradittional dating stuff, so either way good luck mate

  16. I wouldn’t mind it I feel as tho it’s almost expected of men always and it’s kinda a bummer

  17. Oh, it feels great. Since the vast majority of us have never been approached by women, it gives us a huge confidence booster.

  18. I’ve only gone out on dates because girl’s made the first move. One came on a little too strong, but still went for it.

  19. I mean as an average guy, I would probably accept it but if a guy is out of your league, its 50/50. I wish girls would do this too but because of stereotypes the society condemns it unfortunately. Most men do love it when girls do the first move.

  20. Its just a stereotype that guys have to make the first move

    I had a relationship where she made the first move. At first I thought that it was kind of awkward but then I realized its ok for the girl to make the first move

    Some guys even find it more attractive.

  21. It’s great, but honestly I feel like it’s only ever happened when I’ve been in relationships already lol.

  22. I’m not a guy but in my last relationship I was the one who took the first step. We met at some friends diner and we talked almost all night without stopping, I really liked his laugh, so after hearing him laugh at a joke that another friend said, I asked him if I could kiss him. I kissed him and asked for his number, we were together for 4 years. we ended up on good terms because we wanted different things in life. we are still good friends.

  23. As a woman, I’ve asked out several guys and they have said yes. None of those dates have resulted in a relationship though unsure if me asking them out had to do with anything.

  24. I wouldn’t be in a relationship right now if my GF hadn’t made the first move. Just do it and see where it goes

  25. I wish it would happen more often. I hate the guessing game that is dating.

    I’m also really bad at guessing right

  26. If its a girl that i’m attracted to then yes please!
    Evrrytime i’ve pursued a girl that i was attracted to i got turned down.

    On thr other hand, everytime a girl that i was attracted to pursued me it has always been sucessful.

  27. Most guys aren’t used to being approached (some never experience it in their lifetime) so if you’re realistic about who you’re approaching you’ll have great success

    But the good thing about approaching as a girl is more often than not you won’t have to carry the interaction, if you just open up the conversation aka break the ice most guys’s instincts will kick in and they’ll carry on from there

    And just so we’re clear I’m not talking about giving “hints”, just a straightforward “hey” will get most guys excited to talk to you

  28. I’m okay with this. But if it didn’t work out try again. Some of us are very bad at understanding the sign

  29. I tried making the first move once, the guy told our mutual friend that “she’s too desperate”

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