TW! Mentions of blood and bodily fluids

Hi everyone, I hope your Saturday morning has been lovely so far. I apologize if this sounds crazy or jumbled but I just need to vent.

So my partner (29M) and I (29F) have been together since 2021 and we welcomed our first baby together in January of this year.

So I’ve always had a sensitive stomach and it’s became much worse since my pregnancy, my morning sickness was more like all day sickness and I dealt with constant stomach issues. I still unfortunately deal with those issues and I’ve had to cut out so many different foods due to them making me sick for literal days sometimes. The main thing I’ve had to cut is anything spicy, or overly sauced and it absolutely sucks. I’ve told my partner about all of this and he has of course witnessed it and has seen how sick I actually get.

The other morning I had accidentally eaten something with some peppers but ended up stopping midway through and got super sick, and I ended up noticing blood in my vomit so I made a doctor’s appointment that my partner took me to yesterday.

When we got home I let my partner know I was extremely tired from being sick most of the week and being up vomiting so he offered for me to take a nap and he would get dinner going, I automatically thanked him and went to nap.

I woke up and I was starving so I asked my partner what he made for dinner and he told me he made chicken tacos. I was excited and definitely wanted to eat but then he happily mentioned he put jalapenos in the meat. I kind of just sank. He automatically realized his fuck up and apologized but I ended up having a breakdown. I was starving and all I wanted to do was eat.

I was also still kind of upset about something else happening earlier that week. It was my birthday and I told him I literally just wanted a cake. That was it, he could make or buy one I wasn’t picky I just wanted cake. He decided to make me one so I told him the kind I wanted and to please get frosting as well, so he literally only had to get 2 items from the store. Well he forgot the frosting but made sure to get himself a red bull. I was obviously disappointed and let him know but I still ate the cake as I appreciated him taking the time to make it. I will also mention I am currently unable to drive so I wasn’t able to go out and get the frosting myself otherwise I would have.

Also to mention my partner has UNTREATED ADHD that I’ve been super understanding about as I deal with my own issues but it’s starting to get to me in a negative way. So I’ve definitely been encouraging him to seek some help for it or get on medication. I myself am on medication for multiple mental health reasons.

I will also mention we are on state assistance for our food and medical so we have set meals and a set budget for our meals and that’s also a reason I was so upset, especially since it’s the end of the month and we have literally just enough to survive until our benefits come at the beginning of the month so there wasn’t much else I could actually eat other than oatmeal.

I apologize if any of this sounded dumb and I truly love my partner he’s amazing but I’m just sad.

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