Me (21f) and my boyfriend (21m) have being together for 2 years and have known each their for 3 years. We have a very good relationship and we love each over very much. We do not have any major problems and we both trust each other very much, but i have some suspicions.
My boyfriend and I have talked about our exes and one time I asked him to show me one in particular, let’s call their Jessica. I was kinda insecure about jessica because his had described her looking like a literal model and I wanted to see what she looked like. I asked him to show me her instagram and he told me he did not remember her instagram (he doesn’t have instagram so it was not a huge surprise) then I ask him for her last name to search her up on facebook, he told me her last name but we could not find her. After that we had some other discussions that made me feel really insecure about my looks (ps sometimes I overthink a lot and make everything he said that were criticizing my looks), and I was obsessed to the idea of his ex and was trying really hard to find her (without him knowing). I was never able to find her with the first and last name he gave me.
One day after after like a year we were scrolling on tik tok with our friends and a tik tok jessica had posted popped out on his for you page. Everyone was saying how beautiful she was and even one of our friends said to me that at least I have a good heart for fun but it hurt my feelings quite a bit. When i got home I looked her up and realized that her last name was not her same one he had gave me and also he had told me that none of his exes had big boobs and she had big boobs.
These are the 2 inconsistencies with his story that make think that either Jessica never existed or for some reason he does not want to show me the real jessica or he is not lying

tl;dr: my boyfriend told me a girl we saw on tik tok was he’s ex I have tried to find in the past and her last name was not the same he had told me in the past and in the past he had told me that none of his exes had big boobs but she did. So is he lying to him about who his ex is?)

1 comment
  1. I think you need to relax.

    Sometimes people’s TikTok name isn’t their real name. But in any event, clearly what you were asking him for was information you could use to make yourself miserable. It’s very understandable that he didn’t want you comparing yourself to her.

    If he was not giving you her real name, I don’t like that, but I understand it because you clearly don’t have a healthy perspective about her and were already obsessing about her quite a bit.

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