Edit: I need to get a bookshelf…

  1. I don’t go looking for anything actually but I do need to know where the toilet is, so I’ll ask that right away, just in case I need it later.

    If they have a dog though I will probably be more interested in that dog and wonder if it likes me.

  2. A place to put my shoes cuz I don’t wear shoes in the house ( culture thing I guess ).

  3. Bathroom was said so my next thing Tbh is animals. I can’t be near animals so if they have them I’ll hang outside.

  4. Their bookshelf. Great insight into their interests, and a good place for conversation fodder. Also their pets.

  5. Hygeine. I don’t judge clutter or messy stuff but if it’s unhygienic I’m concerned.

  6. I don’t know if it counts as “looking,” but in addition to a neat appearance, I’m checking for smells lol. Do they use candles, does it smell like garbage or cat litter, old food, incense, fabric softener, is it stuffy, and so on.

  7. I check the air. If it’s really stuffy in there and smells like sweat and doritos, that says something about their cleanliness level imo.

  8. Pets. If things don’t work out with the person, at least I can make a friend.

  9. I like to see what’s in their bookshelf, I feel like the types of literature/info they consume will lend me a lot of ideas of how they are as people and their interests. I also have found if there are no books at all, that also says quite a bit about them

  10. I look at their art. I’m always interested in their images, colours, photos. I ask who the people are or the artist, where bought it. Art’s personal and often has great stories connected to it.

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