I (26m) am in a long distance relationship with this girl (27f).

I was just on a holiday with her in barcelona and we were planning on doing a trip to valencia but we couldn’t because we didnt have time and i had to fly back today.

She is unemployed at the moment so she had a one way ticket unlike me. While we were there she found out a guy friend of hers is in valencia and she mentioned she could do that after i leave.

Thing is, she said they had tried to see if things work between them before and apparently had only kissed before and decided not to do anything.

Is it weird that shes just going to continue holidaying with that friend?

Im not threatened by the guy or insecure. I trust my girlfriend. But then i get to thinking and realise she actually just has a lot of these kind of guy friends. Friends who tried to get with her and maybe they tried but decided not to.

Shes also still friends with an ex who she hangs out with quite a lot. She says she has no feelings for him though. But they literally drive 10-15 mins to each others place to go for a run together. And the guy still has feelings.

Am i setting myself up to get hurt here or just thinking too much?

She says she doesnt think about any of the guys in a romantic way but im sure if the guys were given a chance theyd try their luck. Every single one of them.

So should i be fine with it or is it weird?

Ive told her how i feel weird about this and she says ill know theres nothing there and its all fine if i saw them together in person. Ive never met any of these people btw.

  1. You’re in trouble my man. Keep everything very casual and do not get into anything serious with this girl. She’s unemployed and you are an LDR. She seems to have other LDRs paying for her fun, and maybe some closer to home.

    Enjoy yourself, but be prepared to be cast aside or to cast her aside without notice or care.

    There is no way you can “trust” this woman. But there’s nothing you can do either. So just enjoy it while it lasts and do not put in too much effort nor have any expectations

  2. Don’t trust her and do be threatened, she’s walking all over u dude because u let her. Assertive/Alpha guys don’t have this kinda thing happen to them

  3. The fact that you are posting this on reddit means that you already know that it’s weird and a huge red flag. It’s too late to set boundaries when someone already crossed them. It’s pretty much cheating if you ask me.
    Leave her and save yourself from getting hurt.

  4. Yes what the fuck , how can you even allow such disrespect to happen to you ???

  5. Red flag! These guy friends are just sharks circling in the water, waiting for a chance to strike. If she respected you and your relationship she would not be hanging out alone with guy friends. No matter how much they try to swear otherwise, this is just cheating waiting to happen. So much red flag.

  6. It is weird. Your gf likes the attention she gets from multiple guys. Enjoys the perks that come with this attention. I personally think she might be cheating on you. But even she is not, she is still taking advantage of feelings of these other guys. This is not healthy.

  7. Yes.

    Either she’s already replaced you or is test driving him to see if she wants to.

  8. Relationships can be complicated, and everyone’s got their own boundaries. But you’re facing a situation here that requires some serious evaluation.

    She seems to have a pattern of having these kinds of guy friends who have made advances on her in the past. And she remains friends with an ex who still has feelings for her, going on runs together and all that jazz. Now, she may claim she has no romantic feelings for any of them, but the fact remains that these guys are still in the picture, hoping for a chance. That’s a potential recipe for trouble.

    Now, I’m not saying your girlfriend is actively seeking out romantic or physical connections with these guys. But it’s worth considering whether she’s setting herself up for situations that could blur the lines and create unnecessary complications. It’s understandable that you feel uneasy about it.

    Ultimately, you need to decide what you’re willing to accept in a relationship. If her behavior and choices consistently make you feel uneasy and you’re constantly questioning her loyalty, it may be time to reevaluate whether this relationship is right for you.

  9. Some further information would be interesting, like how long do you know her, how did you meet, do you pay anything for her, because there could be the possibility she has more LDRs. It IS normal to have friends from the opposite gender, but while you are in a relationship it is clearly a no-go to hang out with people that want to hook up with you. That’s not just a red flag, that’s the red sea.

  10. Bro, she’s a rental, hope she’s hot and good in bed, because she’s just someone to make memories with, not someone to live your life with.

  11. Dude? Its beyond weird. Think carefully about your future and any next step you take

  12. Sounds like a classic gold digger. She doesn’t have a job but stays on vacation because someone else foots the bill?

  13. Did she pay for her own ticket? Does she pay for her own stay? If she does it’s no different then her hanging out with friends at home. The way she sees it is since she paid, It’s her vacation man not yours (plural). She had it with her boyfriend now she will have some on her own. If you paid for all that then it’s a different story. That’d be disrespectful imo.

    There doesn’t have to be any cheatin, but if you’re uncomfortable talk to her about it. Don’t harbor it in – it will come out during some stupid argument eventually and by that time it will be elevated and out of context.

  14. Unless it is her brother or father, then yes. And “like a brother” does not count.

  15. “Im not threatened by the guy or insecure. I trust my girlfriend. ”

    That is exactly what you are, and NO you do not trust her, fully. Based on your story, I can see why. Being friends with an Ex is ok, but only if there are reasons like a kid. No kid, no friendship. Why? There is history, and the moment some things like booze gets introduced, actions can happen that might not otherwise.

    The facts she “keeps” guys who tried to be with her is a MAJOR red flag. It’s like she is keeping a “D” in glass in case of emergencies.

    You need to talk to her and be clear on your boundaries. If she can not agree, which IS her right; then break it off. If she can, then keep a eye out to make sure she is keeping them. You need to decide what those boundaries are. If that is no longer being friends with ANYONE who tried to hook up with her, then fine. If she can not understand that or wants to; walk away. Explain to her how these people tried to be with her, is a constant threat for them to try again or take advantage if the time came. Not that they will for sure, but the idea of it alone is wrong to you to fear someone could pressure her or take a chance despite knowing she is with you.

  16. She want an free ride from who ever can give it to her

    She and he was an cpl. She still got feeling for his ass if not she wouldn’t told you she have a male friend in that town. As soon u got on that plane home u can bet her gold digger ass was on the next plane out to her male friend get lay

  17. Yeahh… I mean as a woman I think her stringing these men along is dishonorable. They’re holding on because they hope something will happen and she keeps them because she likes the attention. It’s unfair to you and its unfair to them. I personally doubt she’s actively looking to cheat, but I also don’t think she’s presented herself as a trustworthy person.

  18. Red flags all over but enjoy it for what it is, which sounds extremely low maintenance. My older brother has had a ‘friend’ like that for two decades, and he enjoys it. They’re not “together” but they climb summits etc.

  19. Shes either cheating or not, but it doesn’t matter shes showing no respect to the relationship and you should have set a healthy boundary about cutting contact with people like that.. etc etc

  20. Bro, I won’t advise you to spend time with your ex-girlfriend in order to make her understand how this feels.
    Whether she feels anything for those guys or not is irrelevant. Those guys care about her. Additionally, they will insist on sleeping with her when they are inebriated. If they can’t persuade her to date them, at least get her to sleep with them. All guys have given this some thought.
    Remove her. Additionally, if you say, “I love her and she’s the only gal I know. She’s a good person, etc.,” I would respond by saying that “everyone is good until they hurt you”. If things worsen, you will feel the anguish rather than her because she has already given you warning signs and you are ignoring them. It’s on you now. Balls in your quote.
    When you talk to her. Stay on your ground.
    She’ll question it, she’s not wrong for that coz you made her develop a habit. And now you are telling her to stop but you have to be strong. But if your intension is to sleep & dump her, them let things be the way they are.
    Who knows, after you guys breakup, she’s be friends with you coz she’s already friend’s her ex.

  21. She isn’t your “girlfriend”, she’s your fwb pretending to be your girlfriend. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. Me, I’d be like…. see you when I see you.

  22. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 how is this real? Shes sleeping with them all 100%

  23. no mames wey, te esta mirando la cara de pendejo, olvida de ella cabron. No es la “mujer” por ti.

  24. If she’s not introducing you to these other guys, there is a problem. If they were real friends they would want to meet you. But they don’t.

    It’s enough of an issue for you to reach out, so really it does bother you

    She has boundary issues and is bullshitting you.

    I would leave her.

  25. Dude, your girl is getting boned on her holiday while you wait for her to come back. This has to be a terrible dynamic to put up with.

  26. you should always dump any little girl who is so desperate for attention that they keep someone around for attention like your gf is

    i’d also date an unemployed loser who leaves the country too lol almost 30 and sounds like your gf really has her life together!

  27. My brother, leave this woman if you value peace in your life. She should not be entertaining going holiday with a guy she knows has feelings for her and possibly might try something inappropriate. To put herself in that situation is undermining and to an extent disrespectful to your relationship. If she is not considering how you feel in this situation and if she knows you have concerns and insists on doing it then she values what she has with you less than the experience of the holiday with this guy friend. That already tells me what I need to know if I was you.

  28. Most men will say it’s weird, but from a female perspective, I don’t think so. She can have friends. Even male friends without wanting anything more from them. The fact that they tried to see if it would work between them and it didn’t, indicates to me that she decided to keep him as a friend and nothing more. I wouldn’t overreact. You’re saying that you’re not insecure, but from your post it seems you’re. Every good relationship is based on trust and I think you should keep the communication open with her about these men, but have a trust in her unless she gives you reasons to be doubtful.

  29. >Im not threatened by the guy or insecure. I trust my girlfriend.

    This sort of thinking has lead many people to tears.

    >Shes also still friends with an ex who she hangs out with quite a lot. She says she has no feelings for him though. But they literally drive 10-15 mins to each others place to go for a run together. And the guy still has feelings.

    Don’t always take someone’s word for it, actions always speak louder.

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