In the beginning of my relationship with my fiancé (together 5 years) we would have sex very regularly. I was on the birth control pill at the time which I was horrible at taking regularly. Two years ago I got the arm implant and while my sex drive dropped a bit at first, now it’s horrible. I don’t have this sense of “craving” sex like I used to, and it hurts our relationship bad. I feel pretty much incapable of initiating sex (and never do as a result). It’s like if I’m not actively having sex my arousal is completely turned off, I masturbate maybe once a week to put myself to sleep.

When we do have sex I really enjoy it, I always finish (usually more than once), and I feel very happy and close to him afterwards. Unfortunately we only have sex in the first place if he initiates. We have communicated about this repeatedly, as my inability to initiate has had a negative effect on both of us, but I haven’t been able to make any progress.

When I received blood tests they came back normal but higher stress levels (as a result of school, bills, and work).

Growing up I had very negative views about sec (lots of disgust and hatred surrounding sex) because my parents were extremely vulgar and loud while having sex. I have difficulties taking sex seriously if that makes sense, and I have a lot of trouble acting “sexy”.

My current plan is to go to the doctor to discuss non-hormonal birth control for the near future, but what else could I be doing in the meantime?

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