What sweet names do you guy like being called?

  1. Whatever works for the woman I’m with and myself. My gf and her girl friends have loads of cutesy nicknames for me, and I have learned to like them. Pet names just come over time.

  2. My first name is Josh. I used to date a girl who called me “Joshie” all the time. I acted annoyed by it but I actually thought it was really cute.

  3. I don’t have any preferences about this.

    If a woman calls me something with the intent of showing affection for me, then I’ll probably appreciate it, no matter what it is. It’s not that I care about or like being called “baby” or “darling” or whatever other specific word, I just like that she’s expressing feelings for me. She can also express those feelings through gestures or statements or body language.

    The only name that I remember rubbing me the wrong way was when a girl called me “Mistah J” (my first name begins with a ‘J’). People who try to LARP as Harley Quinn or The Joker in IRL human interactions are just cringe, so nothing makes my dick shrivel faster than that. Same energy as when a girl once unironically told me she’s a “manic-pixie dream girl.” Nope, quit it.

  4. The thing about sweet nicknames, is that it’s not about the word itself. It’s about the person saying it and the intent behind it.

    But things that affirm positive aspects about yourself are generally great. Especially when it’s something you take pride in/strive for/are insecure about.

  5. I had a friend who was desperate and single, she would try out nicknames on me.
    My favorite was her calling me daddy.
    Haven’t really liked it from anyone else since.
    If I ever got her the tall Red Bull, she would say, “you got me the daddy sized one”
    She made me feel confident and sure of myself.

  6. When I used to present male, the cashier at Subway called me “honey” and I still think about it to this day

  7. The cute barista at the Starbucks drive thru 2 days ago called me love, TWICE!! and I’m still riding that high.

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