Men, how important is a woman’s credit score when you are getting serious? Or do you even care?

  1. Not.

    Unless it’s *really really bad*. But that would probably manifest itself in other things that I wouldn’t like about her which I’d find out about before I ever even considered asking her what her credit is like.

  2. Depended on if it was low because of lack of use/no history, or because of repeated bad decisions.

    If it’s the latter, it probably wouldn’t work out.

  3. I don’t really care about her score but I care a lot that she’s financially responsible. Someone that can’t control spending or isn’t organized enough to pay bills on time can really make it difficult to stay ahead financially. I want to spend money on things we need or want, not on late fees or huge amounts of interest to a bank that we get nothing out of. And I don’t want to worry about how to avoid bankruptcy so financial responsibility is a requirement.

    Exactly what her score is doesn’t matter though.

  4. Dating these days is a fucking mine field. That’s a thing? How would I know her credit score?

  5. I don’t care. I’m fine living in relative squalor all my life.

    Smartphones are like 50.00 these days

  6. Debt is a huge issue. I’ve worked with and have women in the family that sob because they want to spend more time with their kids but can’t because they have too much debt. Commercial, vehicle, student loans, etc. TBH, if I used credit score as a relationship filter I’d have been better off.

  7. Very. It’s a team effort to make the relationship work. It doesn’t have to be perfect but a general idea of how financially stable she is helps us make a plan for the future.

  8. I mean, I’m not asking a chick her credit score at a bar. in a long term partner it’s important insofar as it can reflect how fiscally responsible they are.

  9. I had an ex that was really great in most facets. Absolutely terrible with money though and found myself starting to pick up on her habits, and that was that

  10. The amount of debt she’d in, not counting student loans, is more important. But if she rocking a shitty credit score, that’s a fairly good indicator that she’s financially irresponsible, and I’m going to be wary about doing anything financially with her.

  11. If we are going to build a life together how we handle money as a family is a big deal. Debt, Credit and where you have spent the $ you have made thus far matter.

    The plan and attitude matter most. My wife had huge student loan debt. But clearly was smart with $, so it wasn’t an issue.

  12. I don’t care in the slightest. The future is already trash. If I get to know someone, I want to get to know them because I like them.

  13. Put it this way. Im not taking on anyones debt.

    If you have poor financial management, you need to prove to me that you can fix it and keep it that way before I will commit to you.

  14. I’m not terribly concerned about the score itself. I’m more concerned with her spending habits and financial situation. How responsible is she with money. Stuff like that.

  15. It means everything if you plan to have a shared life not a dependant. I’ve dated three now who I’ve had to pay off their debt hoping for them to become something with me

  16. Personally couldn’t care less.

    Mind you, to me it should (ideally) be serious from the get-go. That said, I don’t care. It matters more that they wouldn’t depend on *mine* for whatever and if it is terrible, that they are actively working towards improving it. Again, without relying on *me* to do so.

  17. Money is the number 1 argument in marriages. It’s very important imo. As others have said, it doesn’t have to be crazy high, but it has to not be super fuckin low.

  18. I care a lot. A bad credit score is a big red flag. Never gonna even think of settling with someone below 650.

  19. I’d have no easy way of knowing or verifying her credit score number. But good money habits are extremely important. I’ve seen far too many times what awful money habits do and want nothing to do with that stress and chaos.

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