A few months ago my (23M) friends introduced me to this girl (25F) and whenever I hang out with them she is there now abd things have got a little weird. A few weeks ago we were at a formal event and she told me that I looked “incredible in that suit”. I always loon terrible in suits, so I know she was probably making fun of me. Since then she’s been constantly texting me and seems glued to me whenever we hangout. Just a little while ago she sent me a text saying that no one else was home for the next few days and that I could come over. She’s significantly out of my league and I know women aren’t attracted to me so I have a feeling this is a prank. I’m not sure if I should explain that I know what’s going on, or if I should just ignore it. There’s a chance that this is just her attempt at banter, which means that there isn’t malicious intent.

TL;DR: I am being pranked by a Girl and am not sure if/how I should confront her about it.

  1. None of that sounds like a prank. It sounds like she likes you and wants to spend time with you.

  2. Lol welp, you must have a good sense of humor then, because it honestly just seems like she likes you.

  3. Suggest drinks after work. If she’s interested she goes and you control the venue. If she says no, who cares why, you move on..

  4. Dude, first of all, you have to get a grip on your negative self-talk. It’s okay to be careful, this is, and eventually will, ruin a potential good thing for you.

    Listen, You do NOT actually *know* what’s going on here, but your thoughts think you do. You do NOT know that she’s pranking you.

    This girl likes you, no half decent person will EVER use that much time to do a prank. So is it your own thoughts that are making it weird or is there anything that’s actually weird about this situation? Because as far as we can tell, she’s a person who likes another person and want to get to know them more. 🙂 (It would be another thing if you already knew that she had been horrible to other guys before, which I guess your friend wouldn’t put you through)

    Try to give less attention to the things like leagues, expectations or “what if’s”, if you’re able to do so. And take it for what it is, a nice hangout with a beautiful woman. No matter what happens, you’ll be one experience richer!

    (On another note: If this mindset that you have, about yourself, is a hill you’re willing to die on, (with no chance of being open to a different perspective) please just send her a message that you’re not interested in hanging out with her. Being on the recieving end of a person projecting their insecurities and low self-esteem is not fun. It can be really confusing and painful if you end up getting closer to one another)

  5. Is your self esteem so low that a woman throwing herself at you makes you feel WORSE? Come on dude!

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