What jokes do you make that get mixed reactions among your friends?

  1. Most of my friends have a similar humor leanings so even the worst, most offensive jokes go over well.

    The absurd puns and wordplay are the jokes that aren’t received similarly

  2. Suicide jokes. I was on shrooms with my friend and we were walking in the ark and in the middle of the pond there was this like I’m guessing a pipe that was releasing water and made like a circle of bubbles n shit and there were kids running around everywhere.

    So my friend was like “yo wtf is that?” And I just instantly replied oh that’s a kid drowning and the look on his face was fucking priceless.

  3. So I wake up this morning to find that my wife left Downton Abby streaming. And so I had the thought that there has to be a porn parody and sure enough “Down on Abbey”. So I’m watching both side by side, and they get to the rape scene. This is on the tv show, mind you, not the porn. Really, it was the most distracting thing ever. It took everything I had to finish.

    (You put rape in a joke and you tread a line based on your audience.)

  4. Most dark jokes these days can’t be said. Most SJWs don’t grasp that what makes jokes funny is typically the absurdity of it and the innate understanding that it’s a joke and not a statement of intent or support. Jokes are largely misunderstood in modern society.

    Jimmy Carr says all women can prevent rape. “Don’t say no.” He caught hell for that for bashing women and making light of rape. Yet the joke is OBVIOUSLY an absurd play on words and intentions. It’s not meant to be taken as a political stance. The opening line is designed to make your brain try to guess the ending. The ending is meant to fuck your brain because it never would have gone there. And when you realize what is implied by the punch line, you groan and kinda chuckle because it’s so wrong and so cleverly constructed to mindfuck the listener.

    I used to tell a joke with a similar format:

    What has two legs and bleeds profusely? Half a cat.

    It’s the same concept. The opening line is supposed to make you think you’re about to hear some mysoginistic shit. The punch line yanks that away and presents you with something unexpected and arguably just as bad. The joke is the mindfuck, not that women are bad or cats should be murdered. But you can’t tell that joke anymore without SJWs going off about degrading women or throwing animal rights activism in your face.

  5. I make sarcastic jokes a lot but in such a deadpan that people that don’t know me aren’t sure if I’m serious or not. The friends that know me best find it hilarious, but anyone that isn’t in that circle is generally a little confused and/or concerned.

  6. Some sex related jokes. They’re learning to grow more comfortable with it, but in general i have to warm them up first before i slide it in

  7. All the jokes based on gallows humor. Interestingly this is beyond everything else, even beyond rape, serial killer and genocide jokes. Nothing polarizes people as much as gallows humor.

  8. Particularly new people that don’t know me well really get stuck at my self-deprecating sense of humor. They often don’t know if I am joking or really hate myself.

  9. The other night after a salty meal the host said, anyone need to pee before we go (to see a band). A couple people said yes and I said, “I’m good, water retention from the sodium.” One person laughed and everyone else stared at me.

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