So long story short me and him were best friends since essentially was born, we were always together and eventually I even classed him as my cousin as my auntie got married to his uncle.
Eventually however I had to move to a different country and he stayed and only until recently did I manage to get his phone number however things are just strange, he has a working phone and it seems that the only way he will talk to me is if I message him first and even when I do l’ll be lucky to get a good response, l’m finally back in then country for a holiday and I’ve told him about meeting up he said “I don’t know if I will have time” and I said “I’m here for 4 weeks, whenever you have time it’s fine” and that message I sent was left on seen. I don’t really want to beg off friendships so should I just leave it? Our families are basically tied together so somewhere in the future im bound to see him again but I don’t think the friendship will remain.

Tl;DR Old best friend gives off weird energy and doesn’t seem to want to reignite a friendship

  1. People grow up and apart, maybe once you left and weren’t able to connect for that time, he moved on

  2. Unfortunately, when people move away relationships do generally fade. Very few people maintain any significant contact with their school friends when they go to university – distance is a major factor in human relatonships.

    You may want to ask yourself why you’re trying to re-ignite this friendship – why do you need a person who is now very far away and not really part of your life to be in contact with you?

    I know it may be hard to have fewer people to hang out with whilst you’re home for the holiday, but that may just be something you need to accept as a reality of your stay – think about whether there’s a problem you can be planning to solve once you go back to this other country that might lessen your need to try to connect with people who’ve lost interest.

  3. You were close.

    You are no longer close. That doesn’t negate the closeness you once had.

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