Hello! My(26F) fiancé (25M who will be called jack) recently expressed to me that certain aspects of leaving me appealed to him right before we were set to go on a small holiday and visit my sister. I should also mention we have being together 9 years, are engaged, own a house together, have 3 cats together and have all joint accounts. The build up to this argument started on a Saturday. Saturday night after finishing a 7 day work week fiance and I drove to my parents house an hour away from where we live for my brother 21st Birthday Celebration. We stayed the night and thought we would travel back home on Sunday. I don’t see my brother often and he has a newish partner, so I was up quite late catching up with them, jack went to bed abit earlier. The next morning I overslept into mid to late morning, and then went to have breakfast and chill with my family. I really wanted a relaxed day as this was my only day off before being back at work. I didn’t think time was a problem. Jack is quiet, shy and often just sits on his phone amusing himself. I am fine with this. However he had been in an off mood all morning and when we did leave in the late afternoon, I prodded and he said he was under the assumption that we were leaving early morning and instead he had to wait for me to wake up and apparently waited 4 hours, and then he had to sit around with my family for 4 hours doing nothing. I said why didn’t you go do something then? Jacks response ‘I thought we were leaving soon’. He could have made conversation with my family members. This bothered me because we spend time with his family and I have never once complained. Jack said even though I can draw parallels these are different. I feel like as partner he should just suck it up. I was pretty mad about this trying to explain it in a way hoping jack can see my point of view. He then started crying after much frustration from me. After some consoling from me saying I didn’t mean to upset him he then said he think life without me appeals to him, I constantly walk all over him, I got three cats because that’s what I wanted, we moved to X to purchase a large house because that’s what I wanted, and now he’s doing all the reno work by himself and he feels like I don’t want anything to do with it. I apologise and I am fully aware of my flaws, and he’s not entirely wrong that I have been distant about house Reno’s and house shit in general. I work a lot at the moment and I feel like work is draining me and when I get home from work I don’t want to talk about house stuff because it more decision making which is what I have spent the day doing and I felt like I make all the smaller decisions in the house because whenever I ask for Jacks opinion he just says what do I think. Jacks has a lot of quirks which I sometimes struggle with, he doesn’t like trying new foods and and when he encounters something he doesn’t like, he will not eat at that place again not even to try something else off that menu. He is an incredible fussy eater and doesn’t ever try new foods. He won’t hold my hand in public because its uncomfortable or too cold. He booked this holiday and the whole time he has said how expensive everything is. He is quite a cynical person. He is difficult most of the time to get an opinion out of because everything is just ‘fine’ or ‘okay’ nothing gets more expressive. I don’t what to do, I haven’t talked to him about it as we are currently on holiday playing happy families I guess.

TLDR; My fiancé expressed that certain aspects of leaving me appealed to him, we have been together 9 years and own a house together.

  1. Wow. What an all over the place post.

    You spent all this time about your trip to see your family—-where you were rudely ignoring your partner, knew he didn’t want to be there, didn’t communicate your plan, didn’t leave on time—-then you mention his issues with you briefly, then you go on to list all the issues you have with him.

    Yes, you’re the problem here from the sounds of it. You sound selfish and egocentric and it seems like you take advantage of Jack and rarely consider his needs or wants or participate in an equal manner.

    Maybe some couples counseling would be smart. If he isn’t standing up for himself and asking for what he wants then he needs to learn how to. And maybe you need to learn to be more considerate and participative.

  2. Time for couples counselling . You are both tired and struggling with communicatiin. Try to work thru the issues and then decidenm on your future.

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