Hey y’all!

I’m (19F) and I’ve always struggled with depression episodes and at the moment I’m in one now and due to my depressive episodes I’ve always had a tendency to shut anyone and everyone out until I’ve completely pulled myself out of it no matter the time it takes and I feel really awful about it.

A current example of this: I haven’t talked to my best friend in a little while and I’ve been so low energy I haven’t picked up any of her calls or answered any of her texts but she texted my mom last night asking how I’m doing and my mom told her I was having a hard time and my best friend told my mom she completely understands and will welcome me back with open arms. So my questions how do I stop isolating myself so easily when I get depressed and how do I stop feeling so guilty because of it?

1 comment
  1. When you start to feel yourself isolating from others, it is a good idea to make them aware. Let them know what is going on with you, and if you need some time, just make them aware.

    You should try to pull it together and initiate a conversation with a loved one. I know from personal experience when I feel like this, it’s often because I need to get something off my chest. It feels way better to talk about your problems then let them bottle inside and eat away at you.

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