My ex and I decided we were not in love so we decided to be friends. Its going great. We can have nice days where we go shopping or something and we grant eachother the best in love life. He has made a comment about our past sex life two times. The first time he said my belly was a struggle for him and I was hurt but remembered myself I’m plussize and I know that. Yesterday he told me he was never horny when he was with me. I was very shocked and I want to believe he is a little clumsy sometimes so he doesn’t want to hurt me. But the longer I think about it, the more I believe he does want to hurt me. What do you think?

1 comment
  1. Lol I don’t know why society wants ex’s to remain friends after a relationship.

    He’s your ex for a reason.

    Also friends don’t make digs like this toward their friends. They give constructive criticism. He’s not falling into this friend category

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