I’m about to be a sophomore in a week(M16) and I really don’t have any friends at all and have social anxiety and a hard time socializing when I tell a family member sibling that I suck at socializing all they say is the phrase “just be yourself and not care”.

I really don’t get what being yourself really means like does it mean to just say what you have on your mind first thing that comes up ? I see kids at my school who are confident and really there selves and have tons of friends and just don’t give af I tend to tell myself “maybe that can be me if I was myself n didn’t care what others thought of. When I’m with someone that I’m close with I tend to have a really good and funny personality because I know they won’t judge or anything.

But at school I’m kind of an NPC (what kids my age would call it) and just be alone and not talk when I’m working with a group or doing a project I just be awkward having and only speak when spoken too and have intrusive thoughts thinking “maybe they think I’m akward or “maybe they find me weird ” I really wish I can be myself and not care I really think if I masterd this skill I would probably have friends and better school year experience.

” I just need advice on how to stop caring and how to be me.

1 comment
  1. It’s a life-long learning process. One does not master the art of not giving a fuck within a pinch, young grasshopper, especially not during such a socially difficult stage in your life.

    As long as you do not intend to harm, you’re free to act as you choose. The consequence of this liberty, however, is having to accept others’ responses. There is no act done without harm, however, therefore you must consider where your freedom meets others’ boundaries and where theirs meets with yours. Find bliss in innocent curiosity and lust for life rather than not caring for others. You’ll find that everyone is just as insecure as you are and you’ll empathize with those feelings.

    As my Grandpa would always say: it’s better for them to talk behind your back than to secretly eat your food.

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