I have a really good friend who is moving abroad for 3 years seeing his family.

I have known him for about 3 years and we started off as fwb. We agreed to end the fwb as we were both still attached to other people. He split with his partner and I have split with my partner 4m ago not because of this.

We have spoken before about getting together but it was never the right time. Now he is going away with work and I am in love with him. Do I tell him before he goes? Feel like that will complicate things for him but I need to tell him how I feel.

I text him a few weeks ago about meeting up to discuss a ray of topics before he leaves. He completely ignored my texts but is still happy to chat about anything else. Is he deliberately ignoring me because he knows what I’m going to say either that or he doesn’t have the head space for it atm?



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