What has been the biggest regret about parenting your daughter/s?

  1. Not buying menstrual pads early enough. Kid knew about periods, but I didn’t know I needed to be prepared when they were in 3rd grade. I thought I had until 5th!

  2. Honestly, I think I’m doing pretty good with her. I think my only regret would be getting her help for her anxiety sooner, but she went from “quirky kid” to “anxious mess” really fast and therapists take a long time to get into.

  3. Not letting her cut or color her hair. She has beautiful curly hair and it was quite long. She wanted it cut when she started high school and I wouldn’t let her. She wanted to color it and I wouldn’t let her. I loved her hair so much. BUT…looking back I realize that it was so so selfish of me!! I made her wait until after her senior pictures were done before she could color it and after graduation for her to cut it. Ugh!!! I was a real jerk and I’ve since sincerely apologized to her.

    Oh and she’s had short/shaved hair since then and I adore her hair. It suits her. I can’t imagine her with long hair!

  4. Trying to make a girl out of her. She’s a tomboy. That’s fine. But I still don’t know if some things are just comfort zone or if some things are real interest with her .

  5. I’m new at it (3 y/o), but so far it’s been just not being present enough in her hobbies. She’s super into makeup and hair, and I’ve never been into that stuff. I wish I could do a better job at supporting her passion more than I have been.

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