This might be long but hear me out, I havent been in a relationship in a while. I kinda lost my game and not good anymore in making conversations last, till I met this girl, After the day we met she invited me for coffee and our relationship went too fast for a first date. Since I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, it felt new again and I dont know how to act around her. I was too casual to her when we were around friends, and we didn’t talk a lot through chat. She wanted to be together in an instant but I told her that we should get to know each other first. Even though we werent officialy together, to her, we were, but privately. She got fed up because she feels like i treat her like a friend, I know thats on me, and I shouldve been more open to her but she ended things with me after a month. I did like her a lot but the thing holding me back was the commitment. I felt i wasnt ready at the time but I was open with her.

She had been on my mind a lot and I wanted to talk to her, but they say she found someone new. I have a it is what it is mentality so just left it like that even though it was heavy on me. We meet often since we have mutual friends, as time passed we started reacting/replying to each others post online. Until one time we got to talk to each other again and catch up. I kinda felt that she wanted to talk to me about our relationship so the next day I invited her to dinner. I wanted to tell her what I really feel and that I wanted her back. I felt it didnt go well beacause we just casully talked and catched up on life. I was supposed to being her to a cafe after so we could be more intimate and finally talk to her, but she had to leave for somewhere. I kinda felt she was disappointed beacause she was expecting to patch things up with me. I lost my oppurtunity again to tell her what I feel.

Now I felt that I had to change my ways so I texted her a day after but she was just replying with short replies. Im hesitant to chat her again because i cant really read her if she want to. I dont know how to approach her now and dont know what to do next. I know I should have been honest from the start and be open to her but in the end i just end up dissapointing her again. I know I have the confidence to tell her but it just doesn’t come out. I dont know how to stir up a conversation with her. I just want advice on what to do next since I still want her back.

1 comment
  1. Whether you get her back or not, the correct answer is

    – live your best life (work, study, personal improvement)

    – think about what went right and what went wrong

    – avoid contact with her for at least the next few weeks to months

    – be social. Get out there with friends, new people, doing whatever social stuff you enjoy

    – slowly start seeing other people

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