In my experience, most of my male friends are single, save for a few, who have been in long-term relationships they developed in college. Including the men I work with, I’d say about 85 to 90% of the men I know are not in relationships.

None of them are particularly unattractive or abrasive, they just can’t seem to find a partner.

  1. I think about 60% of my friends are single, single as in they have not had sex for a long time, I am also friends with guys who have multiple “girlfriends” in situationships at a particular time.

  2. I’d say most as well, yeah. I haven’t asked them because it’s none of my concern but I assume from our conversations and their activities that they’re not really interested in dating as of right now. We’re still early-mid 20s after all.

  3. About half of my buddies are single, mostly because they really just don’t have any interest in dating.

    Most of the other half are engaged or married.

  4. Most of them, but I work in games. Dating opportunities here are limited unless you’re doing stuff outside of games and even if you do try to date at work, the women to man ratio is like 10/1.

    And a lot of people work late and arrive early. Very passionate, but not great for dating.

  5. I was the one single friend in my group, but one just had a long term relationship break up kind of out of nowhere so now we are the two single ones. The other two male friends are in long term relationships going on a couple years.

  6. around 80% some have been cheated on so they aren’t interested in dating anymore , some are scared to talk to girls and the rest just have shitty luck with woman or are career focused .

  7. Me (40 year-old widower) and a friend I’ve known since freshman year of high school 25ish years ago who we’re all pretty sure is asexual. He’s had attractive girls *and* guys express interest in him over the years and never reciprocated.

    Not counting him, the last of my single guy friends (same age as me) finally started dating a girl a couple years ago and is now engaged + baby on the way.

  8. 30% are absolutely single, no matter what they do they cannot get sex, others are mostly into casual but are successful at it and some are in relationships, with one guy in relationship with two girls at this time.

  9. I’m 56 and live in Texas. Most of my friends are married and I’m the single one.

    I’m single because I’m tired of being rejected and I just don’t care that much anymore. The whole enterprise just got to be too much. I’ve got friends and family. I’ll spend my time with people who appreciate me for who I am right now rather than trying to curry favor with a stranger who doesn’t.

  10. 90% of my male friends are single. I don’t think they’re even trying to date. Mostly focusing on self improvement before even considering dating

  11. most of them are single, because in our uni its mostly men lol (most degree programs are engineering). I broke up with my ex, around 6 months ago as well, and now can confidently say i’ve moved on and am open to dating again… but everyone girl in my uni seems taken xD and the guy-girl ratio aint that pretty. so im single as well.

  12. None.

    Every single male friend I have is in a committed relationship. Most of them have been for the last several years. The last one to get a girlfriend was really picky in what he wanted in a girl, but he finally found her.

    A lot of my female friends are single thought.

  13. I’m over 40. I would say that most men I know are married… But the single guys aren’t looking at all. The single guys over 38 don’t seem to want anyone. The guys under 30 don’t seem to be able to find anyone.

    The issue of not having options seems more to be an issue with the young. The older guys just lost interest; they didn’t grow up in the ridiculous modern dating dynamic.

  14. About one fifth of my friend group is single, me included ofcourse. I think looks wise all of us are decent or above average. We’re in our thirties now.

    On my personal side, there has been just stuff from teenage years and early adulthood that kinda ruined any confidence and self image I might’ve had. Thus making me incapable of connecting with other people properly and establish proper relationships.

    Socially I’m completely fine, I get along with people both work and off work, but it’s just any emotional connection being the issue.

  15. I’d say about 40% are single. Mostly married men in my group. The single ones are either by choice or divorced and having trouble getting back into it. A handful just have no confidence or are afraid of women.

  16. About 40%, and they are great dudes just lame with women.

    When we were all young and single they never seemed to have the drive to get a girl ever. I would go so far to ask if they were gay cause we could hit a gay bar.

    Some dudes have it, others don’t

  17. To be honest I have more aquantances than friends. I’ll admit I don’t pay much attention to their private life’s.

  18. Many of my friends are stuck in the talking stage. For them its meet a new girl – talk to her – get friendzone. Repeat

  19. Late 20’s. 50% of my friends are single. Those that are in relationships have been dating for several years at this point.

    I guess the boat has sales on us.

  20. I’d say 60-70%, single for various reasons – lack of experience, can’t meet the right one, having trouble in the current dating climate, etc.

    The ones that are taken are with their high school or college sweethearts. The ones that are single didn’t get so lucky in high school or college and now they’re living in the hard mode of dating

  21. For my main friends, there’s 3 of us.

    Mike is super shy and pretty introverted, and can be a bit awkward at times, but not in an off putting way. Decently outgoing around the boys, but puts himself in a shell pretty easily. He cleans up well, is responsible, but just doesn’t put himself out there.

    Evan on the other hand is the opposite. Super outgoing and will talk to anybody about anything. But man he can be off putting at times. Doesn’t clean up super well and isn’t the best when it comes to responsibility. I’ve known a couple girls who’ve been creeped out by him so I’ve had to cock block a bit.

    I’m also single. I’m not the best source as to why, but for me it’s cause I’ve been going through some stuff and am working on finding some self love before I work on anybody loving me.

  22. 90% are single. Some have given up. Some don’t know how to meet women. Some seem to be content never being in a relationship. Some say they don’t make enough money to be in a relationship. All around 30-ish.

  23. I have 2 single friends, and I would be the third if I count myself. One of them works in finance. Like 30 hours every day. The guy is a f*cking genius, and loves his work. He’s surrounded by push him to work more, and corporations just throw money at him, whenever he feels he needs a break. So ridiculous amounts of money, that nobody would say no. I’m talking millions yearly, and millions in bonuses, basically every time he complains about needing a longer vacation/ break fro work. He’s 25, and he already has enough to live very comfortably until he dies.

    The other one is a monstrously wealthy young man, also 25, who just had enough of people who want him for his money, and has only one night stands, and always stays with friends, and family, despite having several homes in the most picturesque places of the world. He has become somewhat bitter, and resentful towards people in general, I believe, but it’s difficult to see clearly, because he’s very private, and also an incredibly talented conversationalist, and can derail any line of questioning if he wishes to do so.

    I share some characteristics with both of them. Same age, I work a lot, I earn a lot, but not as much, I either regard, as my first friend, and I’m(my family)wealthy, although not to the same extent as my second friend, and even though I’m not resentful of people, I’m deeply saddened by what goes on in the world, regarding the decline in the amount and quality of interpersonal relationships, and our treatment of eachother. I’m always with friends and family, if I’m not working. Not by way of travelling, but by making myself the last homely house, east of the sea. A destination, and a refuge on the way. I sometimes wonder why I’m single, with having all of these people, all over the world, but most mostly I’m glad that despite my singleness, I’m never lonely, and I’m only alone, if I want to be. I try to be a living denial in the face of the infectious loneliness, and abandonment I observe in the world. Maybe I just haven’t found someone who could do the same, by my side.

  24. By 30 most of my male friends were in relationships and a couple were married. Those that were single the entire time I knew them seemed socially awkward.

  25. Me and my closets friend are. He gets dates on tinder but nothing long term or serious, I dont know why. I’m single cause I work from home and am an introvert who goes out on the weekend only to sit in a dark room watching a big screen.

  26. It’s only me besides another who’s single among those I would consider “actual” friends. The rest are in serioust relationships and/or married with kids.

    Do I feel behind? Yeah, yeah I do (we’re all in our 30s) but being single isn’t the reason I feel behind.

  27. Not many guy friends, at the moment, but I am a single laddie.

    Something that I have been learning to accept over the last eight months is that I’m kind of a unicorn, regarding my experiences and resultant self.

    Why single? C-PTSD, and what I usually describe as gynophobia.

    Women who have gotten to know me have called me “inspirational”, and “a great guy” for all of my insights into women’s issues and human psychology. The problem, it seems, is that my *good* qualities are not *attractive* ones, and are regarded as yellow flags which indicate “Under Construction” (or something to that effect).

    I don’t blame them.

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