for me it was a guy being escorted out by security for not giving up his phone

  1. Bully was picking on the quiet kid. I guess when you bully people nonstop for years, sometimes there are consequences when they finally snap. Quiet kid grabbed the bully by the shirt and threw him through a window

  2. Let’s see: I accidentally got pepper sprayed watching a fight over cookie, I saw a guy doing coke off a bathroom sink, there was a shooting at an away game, the school didn’t pay it’s light bill or something for a while because the lights would just randomly turn off for the whole school for hours. Any of these in 1 and a half years before I pulled myself out of that school

  3. A girl was jumped by the football team after she confronted them for releasing a gangbang video.

  4. Probably a kid getting shot by a school officer. Tbf, the kid was swinging knives at people. Kids.. *what do you do?* 🤷‍♂️

  5. Kid broke in after school, shit on a plate, and cooked it in the teachers’ lounge microwave for an hour.

  6. A student that was addicted to xanax was slumped on the floor in a hallway. When a faculty member tried to wake him up, he flipped out. He punched the faculty member and later fought the school resource officers. Needless to say, he was expelled after that.

  7. The fat kid that we all bullied fucking snapped and beat the shit out of like 6 people straight because they broke his phone

  8. Damn near all the 12th graders and some of the staff jumped one guy because he randomly attacked a student (a female, was actually one of my friends at the time)

    This was during a fire drill. I was already walking inside the building but all I hear is a lot of “OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOH OOOOOOOH” from the entrance we were using to go back inside. My friend comes back upstairs very giddy and smiling and tells me what happened. 10 mins later, the principal starts yelling into the microphone saying “WE DON’T DO THAT” and some other shit. He got sent to hospital in an ambulance.

  9. Kid during gym broke his wrist. We were racing from one side of the gym to the other. He stopped his momentum with his arms out front against the wall. The whole thing was bent out of place.

  10. I saw a guy from my school take a shit at the bus stop beside the school.

    He then tore individual pages out of The Iliad and wiped his ass with them in front of us.

  11. Dude turned around and looked at me during zoology. He put a BIG ass bag of reggie grade weed on my desk and tried to sell it to me.

  12. One week, I want to say, my first year, the school I attended had three within a week. One was between two girls in the bathroom, and the other two were guys in the lunchroom. The girl’s fight was worse because it happened in the bathroom, and I remember one of the girls having her head driven into the hand drier, causing blood just to be everywhere.

  13. As a high school custodian, I’ve seen some crazy/sick stuff. I remember one year we had a homecoming football game and a group of girls decided to drink and got sick in the stands. I got called out to clean it up and as I’m cleaning it, i got another radio call saying there was a mess in the office. I get back and find puke all over the deans desk, carpet and conference room. I saw 1 girl leaned over puking in a trash can and another girl passed out in the conference room. Their parents were not happy.

  14. One guy pulled a pocket knife on another, the other pulled out a machete he had hidden in his jacket.

    Kids selling firearms out of their lockers.

    Am unlicensed tavern operating in the space behind the main stage during after school events.

    A girl hit a teacher in the face with a bag of bricks.

    A teacher locking a child in a storage cupboard for using his phone during class (early cell phone. Text and call only)

    There must have been more but I’m getting old and my memory is shit.

    Edit as I remember.

    There were other posts that reminded me of a few things.

    I didn’t originally think about the open drug sales on the school grounds because that was so commonplace that it somehow seemed normal to me.

    Group of guys performing what I guess would be assisted autoerotic asphyxiation. A few were jacking off in the stairwell while one choked them with their ties.

    A few times there were guys getting head under their desks.

  15. Kid came into our school with a bullet proof vest and machete.

    Shooting H up in the bathroom.

    Sexual assaults happening in class.

  16. A girl took her lock from her locker then tied her she lace to the lock. She used this weapon to swing the lock into another girl’s face.

  17. Not high school but my elementary school got robbed, they stole all the computers cause we kept them in carts I got to see the security footage cause my friends older brother showed me 😂 they all got charged I’m pretty sure

  18. A full on riot. I guess, imagine a prison riot, where it’s a free for all out on the yard. Fights breaking out everywhere, people getting kicked while they’re on the ground, and people getting hit with metal trash cans. Except, this time this is happening in the lunch area and quad of a high school. They put the school on lockdown. Anyone inside classrooms, the library, or the office were told to stay there til an all clear was given. When we finally got the signal, and we were allowed to go to our next class, I remember walking through one of the buildings, and a group of cops ran passed me. Apparently another fight broke out on the PE field. We were locked down for about another hour or so. During that time, somebody came to the classroom that I was in to inform one of the other students that his sister was having a seizure. She was in another classroom. An ambulance came for her. We probably didn’t leave the campus til about 5-6pm.

  19. Saw a kid cut up another kid with an exacto knife over a dollar. Blood everywhere. I lived in the suburbs in New Hampshire

  20. Guy was continously picked on. Finally snapped one day. Hit one of the kids, threw a chair at another, threw a bunch of books, then ran to the bathroom and shit on the floor, then wrote “shit” on the wall with his shit.

  21. ## 1. Earth Science Brawl

    Title of Story: **Earth Science Lab Classroom Brawl**

    Plot: **Two muscular 10th grade boys in the middle of Earth Science Lab arguing about girlfrirnds**

    10 minutes into our Earth Science lab, two 10th grade boys decided it would be a good idea to argue about who has the better girlfrirnd. The taller of the two boys starts yelling & hurling insults at the shorter boy. The two boys get into a violent & gory wrestling match.

    **But wait, the fvckin shit gets better.**

    The two Earth Science lab instructors, both F40s+, start screaming at the top of their lungs trying to separate the two boys.

    The school resource officer (F40s+) arrives & drags the two boys out of the classroom in handcuffs.

    Dead silent for the rest of the lab class period.

    ## 2. Bully Down Staircase

    I got bullied in 9th grade by two 9th grade boys. One day, it started affecting my academics & the teachers didn’t do **fvckin shit** about it.

    I took matters into my *own hands*.

    With as much force as possible, I shoved the **known school bully** (1 of the two culprits) such that he tripped & fell down half a flight of stairs.

    The school resource officer, who kept tabs on what was happening, **brawled with the school administration** defending me against the school bullies.

    Had it not been for the school resource officer, I would have gotten **permanently expelled** not only from that high school, but from every high school in the school district **simultaneously**.

    Changed school districts by moving to a different state a year & a half later. Fvck that fvckin cesspit.

  22. Family day was wild. It was basically bring your kid to school day for those that had kids really early. Each grade would bring their kids and they would take them all to chuckie cheese. Somehow the freshman girls always had the most strollers every year. It always would be surprising as there was always one or multiple girls who no one knew even had kids until they wheel in.

  23. We had a guy with really severe Cerebral Palsy, he was in a wheelchair and could hardly talk. HUGE STONER…That dude always had the best weed, and would smoke easily 3-4 times a day, and he was easier to understand while stoned, although maybe it was because we were both stoned.

  24. Brit army used to regularly run onto our school grounds to hide from the IRA because they knew they wouldnt fire on them there.

  25. This guy we new huffing gold paint during lunch break. Bell rings and he asks us if he any paint around his mouth. We said no. Actually he looked like a clown with a gold lips unknowingly heading back to 10th grade class. lol he was so mad at us.

  26. Our P.E. instructor fell in the shower and hit his head. He then started doing laps around the outside of the school completely naked. Everyone saw, and the teachers struggled to keep people away from the windows. He ended up being ok, and even had the balls to return to work like a month later.

  27. Depends on whether you mean while at high school or while in high school. My best friend’s mom used to provide us with an 8ball of coke (to start) every weekend and as much alcohol as we could drink. The coke only appeared senior year. The booze was all through high school. Craziest part? My buddy was the oldest of 3 siblings, all spaced 4 years apart. So, she partied with us, then his brother’s friends, then his sister’s friends. For each group, the coke came out earlier and earlier. She was doing it with the daughter at 15. We thought it was a lot of fun at the time, n when our parents found out after 18, they didn’t think there was anything they could do. At 30, I think the bitch should be in jail, lol. What a fucking nutcase, you know? She was 36 when I met her at 14. She was 41 when we split an 8ball n messed around sexually. Just gross behavior.

    Oh, I was also present at at least 2 parties where gunshots went off. I lived in a city (Pasadena, CA) where the very rich partied alongside the pretty poor, so I had to shepherd a bunch of very rich, coddled, private school white girls through those experiences. I also come from a private catholic school and from decent money, so I’m not talking shit, but these girls acted like this stuff was the end of the world. As far as I recall, nobody died. The only kid that died at those parties got too high from some vicodin, then some lean, plus some booze, n he actually died in a friend of mine’s car on their way home from the party. He just nodded off in such a way that stopped his breathing. His friends sat calmly next to him while he died. They only realized something was wrong when he wouldn’t get out of the car. Traumatizing stuff. He was a really nice guy, too. I had the pleasure of smoking a bowl with him the weekend before. He was all set to go to some really great college. Just really sad.

    His death was the nail in the coffin to the really wild party days in that city. They started shutting parties down and actually bringing charges against the people who threw them. An acquaintance of mine was actually integral in throwing the last one I went to. His mom was the real estate agent and stupidly let him know they left the key in the mailbox. About 500 people tore that place to shreds. Before the death, he would’ve walked away scott-free. Because of the death, he owed the buyer like 100 grand in damages because he was over 18.

    Lol, in my mind, those were good times, to an extent. When I got to college (UCSC), people didn’t believe me when I told them stories. Thankfully, 3 of my best friends came with me and could verify all of it. In hindsight, I really see nothing wrong with older high school students partying hard. All of us knew how to handle drugs and alcohol when we got to college. Those that didn’t had to have really awful experiences to teach them quickly. For me, college was a bummer, lol. I thought the party would get better. It never did, but I drank like it did, lol. That said, everybody I partied with in high school has died, had to get sober, or massively curtailed their drinking. My buddy who’s mom gave us the blow is a surgeon now (I will be a lawyer once I pass the bar, which might be in November 🤞🤞). He swears he has “3” vodkas a day, now. When he and I talked about 4 years ago, he was drinking a fifth every single day, as was I. I want to believe he’s telling the truth, but I think he means 3 glasses of vodka a day, which is probably the equivalent of 6 or more standard drinks. My perception of drinking was so fucked up during my teens and 20s that I feel like I’m really putting effort in if I have 6.5 ounces of liquor or less a night lol. So, regardless of the fun we had, I know those were shitty lessons I learned, and I’ve watched my life and many others suffer because we just got way too comfortable with utter debauchery way too early.

  28. Super fat kid, like walmart basket scooter fat wore very improperly fitting aheago(faces of anime girls getting ejaculated on)clothes from head to toe for at least a week straight, I don’t even think he washed them once. I never spoke to the kid, to be honest I thought of him as just another weirdo in the sea of strange. But he was noticed by everyone at the school.

    A kid sent a video of him banging another kids girlfriend, later that week during lunch the kid grabbed a knife and stabbed the dude in the spine, immediately got tased by the school officer.

    Saw a dude get mauled by a cougar.

    Also had a huge grizzly just wander around the school for a while. That caused a huge lockdown which some kid decided was his opportunity to ditch school. He somehow made it out without being killed, but I’m sure his parents got him on his way back home.

  29. Here we go:

    – 3 dudes decided to buy donuts and rub the donuts on their nuts and bathroom toilets and then gave them to a teacher, it was later discovered the day and they all got detained, fined and some other actions were taken.

    – Not super crazy but 3 baseball players got caught having a threesome in their truck during one of the lunches, one having a bat in their ass.

    – Big party senior year where a girl proceeded to let 5 guys run a train on her then claimed she was drugged and raped, everyone got arrested until a week later came out on a video she consented to the whole thing.

    – 2 teachers and students got caught fucking in a classroom .

    – Fight between 6 black girls in between periods where 1 girl proceeded to whip out a knife and sliced off all of another girls hair while she was knocked out and almost stabbing another chick then got tased and arrested.

    – 3 active bomb threats and 2 shooting threats throughout my 4 year journey none of which happened.

    Definitely some other crazy shit I know I’m forgetting as it’s been a long time but a lot of things that I wouldn’t define as “craziest”.

  30. My freshman year someone brought an Ak-47 into school and shot himself in the hallway.

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