What is the minimum temperature for you to not shiver and need a sweatshirt or jacket? What is the maximum temperature for you not feel uncomfortably hot?

  1. 55-75 ideally as a comfort zone. Probably more like 40-85 for what I’m fine with being outdoors and being slightly uncomfortable in. Our weather goes from -10 to 110 ish Fahrenheit over the year where I live so I’m relatively used to everything, but wouldn’t consider like half of the year here as anything within my comfort zone lol

  2. Depends if there’s wind. I’ve worn t-shirts in the high 30°s with calm winds and been fine, but throw in wind and that number could get a high as the low 50°s depending on how bad the wind is. On the other end probably around 105°. Above that and I start to get annoyed. Hot winds put that upper limit at more around somewhere in the 90°s. My preferred temp range is low-mid 50°s to low 70°s.

  3. I’m comfortable enough in shirt sleeves up to about 70 if there’s a light breeze. But I honestly prefer wearing a light jacket. I can exist up to about 85 without feeling hot in proper clothes.

    It needs to be at least 65 or I want a jacket. I don’t like being cold.

  4. 73-85F is my “comfort zone”. These other people saying they wouldn’t put on a jacket until it’s like 30F sound insane to me; I feel like I need a coat and layers once it reaches 60 lol. I feel uncomfortably cold at 70.

  5. 68° with a dew point in the mid 50’s. For me , it’s all about dew point .

  6. Anything over 70 with humidity will make me feel sweaty, anything over 100 without humidity is hot.

    I’m cold at like 40-ish and really fucking cold when it hits single digits. Once it drops below zero, I hibernate.

  7. Low end maybe the 40s or 50s and then I’ll wear a jacket for comfort. I can tolerate 30s to 40s though, I just have to take a deep breath and ignore it. Or heck, sometimes I embrace that temp range and it feels nice for short periods.

    High end I’d say 85-90. Though these days if it gets below 100 I celebrate. But around 90 I’m making sure to keep water on hand and stick to the shade.

  8. My rule for serious, long distance biking is tights below 55°F, especially if it’s windy. But of course that’s during exercise, so that helps. I have been biking in 20°F weather with no wind, lots of sun and lots of layers.

    I do run between buildings and my car without a jacket on during winter in pretty cold temperatures, but the exposure time is limited. Up into the 90s is okay for me walking around.

  9. I can get pretty cold and be okay. I do far worse in the heat. I keep the house between 65-58 degrees anyways. I’d say by the time it gets into the mid-fifties I’m going to be wearing something more than a t-shirt.

  10. I grew in New England without AC so I have a range.

    I can not tell you how much temperature only a little.

    I can be outside in 20 degrees in Colorado on a a sunny winter day with no coat.

    I can be in Mass on a cloudy, raw day, with 80% humidity and need a coat even though it’s 65 degrees. We legit wear a sweatshirt on the beach a lot.

    The same way they say, it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity? It’s not the cold, it’s the humidity.

    At my house we turn on the heat if it’s below say 65 in the house, and turn on the AC when it’s about 85 — unless it’s super humid and I’ll turn on the AC for an hour to bring down the house humidity.

  11. Was at the beach yesterday and it was 73° with a light breeze and sun shining and I was in complete heaven

  12. High 40s to high 70s, although I’m quite comfortable while layered up in colder temps than that, down to about -20.

  13. With just a t-shirt, I could probably be fine outside until it’s around 50 degrees (not if it’s windy though). Would probably be fine up until around 95 degrees as well. The heat I can tolerate massively depends on the humidity (90+ with greater than 70% humidity is just disgusting). If we’re talking solely comfort, I love 65 and raining and could be out in that all day.

  14. 65-85 is the zone in which I can be comfortable without wearing too much or too little clothing.

    I can tolerate colder weather quite well as long as I have some layers. All the way down to 30. Below that I find myself longing to get back inside asap.

    Anything above 90 is miserable to me. Not a fan.

  15. I prefer it in the mid to high 60s. Anything over 70 or so and I’m sweating. There isn’t really a minimum temperature, because I love the cold. But, I’ll throw on a light jacket once it hits 45 or below.

  16. 55-95. I love the heat but I get too uncomfortably cold very quickly. I start shivering around 30° and when I shiver my muscles lock up and if I’m out for a long period I’m sore when I get back to warmth. I hate having to wear layers and would just prefer wearing short shorts and crop tops.

  17. Living in my house? I keep it at 70 during the day (if summer) and then 65 at night. I go colder during the winter

  18. Inside I keep my house between 72-75.

    Outside I’m fine from 60ish to 95 before I say fuck this shit and throw on layers/go inside.

  19. For inside… 65-72

    For outside… whatever is seasonally appropriate.

    In winter I like it cold. 20s, teens even single digits. I dont care for 40s in winter unless its a brief thaw. I dont like brown snowless winters.

    For spring I like it between 40s-70s. Ditto with fall.

    Summer. 70s-90s. You can throw a 100 degree day in there for good measure but keep it to a minimum.

    Personally I prefer the 40s and 50s overall. I like wearing sweaters and beanies. Fall is my favourite time of year.

    I dont feel I need to put a sweater on til the 50s. Maybe light sweater in low 60s if raining or very windy.

    No jacket til lower 40s or 30s.

    Now when sailing in rainy conditions I would like a windbreaker/rain jacket as warm as the 70s as 70s at sea with rain and wind feels cooler.

  20. I’m that guy that will be wearing shorts and a T-Shirt and be outside grilling in the 30s. If there is less than an inch of snow on the ground I’ll be in fleece lined crocs too.

    I also don’t really mind the heat until it gets over 90.

    So I’m pretty good from 30-90 in shorts and a T-shirt. If I switch to Jeans, a sweatshirt and a knit cap I’m good to like -10 as long as the wind is calm.

    Once it’s above 90 though I’m chilling in the shade doing nothing if I’m outside at all.

    My perfect day would be a bit cool in the morning, down into the 40s and hit the upper 68s and be sunny with blue skys in the afternoon. Wrap the day up with a nice rain come sundown (I love the sound).

  21. I’m weird. I’ll shiver if I go from a higher temperature to a lower temperature. Even if the lower temperature is still comfortably warm.

    It also depends on the season. In the summer I acclimate to hot so I get cold at higher temperatures. In winter I acclimate to cold so I find lower temperatures comfortable.

    But in general, I’d say high 50s to high 60s are the most comfortable.

    I probably start putting a jacket on in the mid 50s, but that’s also when I stop wearing a jacket in the spring. If it dropped to 50 right now I’d be freezing but in March that’s warm.

    Above 70 is when it starts getting uncomfortably hot

  22. Really depends on the humidity. A dry 30 is much more bearable than a wet 50. Since I live in a pretty dry climate, I’d say 35 to 85 in a long sleeve t shirt.

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