I’m a Canadian, and out of the people I’ve talked to, the majority of us have visited the US at some point in our lives. Have most Americans also visited Canada?

  1. Been through southern Ontario and Toronto. Didn’t have time to visit more places.

  2. >Have most Americans also visited Canada?

    No. I’d say it’s not even close.

    I’ve never been, but I plan to come up for a few days in 2026.

    I may have flown over part of Canada when going from SLC to Anchorage or from Anchorage to Seattle.

  3. I’m one of the few people I know that’s been to Canada.

    My husband and I went for a couple days when we were visiting his family in Rochester lol

    It was a good time.

  4. Keep in mind that something like 90% of your population lives within 100 miles of our border. I suspect that Americans who live that close to the border are far more likely to have been to Canada, but most of us aren’t that close.

  5. Super common if they are in the north. Not as common if in the south. From ohio, I know a lot of people that would go to windsor or Toronto for weekend trips.

  6. Most of the Canadian population is near the border, as I understand it, so that makes sense. We’re a bit more spread out, so as a percentage, I imagine we are far behind you.

    I’ve been a few times, though only to parts of Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritime provinces. Never been to parts west.

    Incidentally, I was supposed to be in Montreal this weekend, but ended up with the ‘rona instead. Y’all wouldn’t have let me in, not that I felt like traveling, or had any desire to get anybody sick.

  7. Probably not most. It’s not that unusual around here but not super common either. Canada is like a 6 or 7 hour drive from my neck of the woods. Obviously gets more common the closer you get to the northern border, you probably have a lot more people in Detroit and Buffalo who have visited than you do in San Diego or St Louis.

  8. Pretty common in the Northeast. Been to Montreal, Toronto, Halifax and st John’s. Hoping to make it to Vancouver and Banff soon!

  9. Depends where you are. Up here in New England it’s super common, I’m sure that may be different down south

  10. I’ve never been. Wanted to take a road trip to Toronto in summer 2020, RIP

  11. Im pretty sure that there are more Canadians in Florida then there are Floridians in Canada. I see alot of your plates here during the winter.

  12. I have been many, many times but my dad’s side of the family owns a cabin up there.

    I’ve been to Montreal and Toronto as well.

  13. It’s common for Americans living near the border but most Americans have not.

  14. Probably really common for people that live in northern border states. I live in California and it is pretty common to go to Mexico.

  15. Im pretty sure that there are more Canadians in Florida then there are Floridians in Canada. I see alot of Canadian plates down here during the winter.

  16. Those who closest to the border are most likely to visit Canada. Given that a bulk of the US population doesn’t leave near enough Canada to make a casual visit and given that a bulk of the US Population don’t have passports, I wouldn’t say it’s very common.

  17. I’m 30 years old and only just got around to visiting Canada last month.

  18. Can’t vouch for the rest of the country, but I personally visit BC a couple times a year and have also been to Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Yukon. The Northwest Passage up to Alaska is a particular favorite, I’ve been through there by boat several times and it’s just wonderful.

  19. I know I see tons of Canadians down here but don’t know many Americans who go to Canada. Although there are special trips like hard-core fishermen and such that make Canada a vacation destination.

    I think many Americans consider Canada is just the same as the US and there’s plenty to do here already. You could spend multiple life times exploring the US and still not see it all.

    Psychologically, if we do an Alaskan cruise many Americans will shoehorn that experience as “close enough” and check it off their bucket list for Canada without having to officially leave the US.

  20. If you live in the northern part of the USA, pretty common. I have been to Canada a few times.

  21. I don’t know about most, but I’d imagine a lot of Americans that live in the North have visited at one point. Most of friends from high school at minimum went to Niagara Falls at some point. My wife is from upstate New York, or as she calls it, “fake Canada.” She spent a lot of time on your side of the border growing up.

  22. That’s a day trip for cheap beer where I grew up. Or a class trip,for French class

  23. For people who grew/grow up in New Hampshire it’s almost a rite of passage to make a weekend or spring break trip up to Montreal after you turn 18 to have a fun time. The only part of Canada I’ve been to is Quebec but in all of the 6 times I’ve been, I’ve never had a bad time and the people are great.

  24. I’ve visited Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto and loved them! I almost died from a major illness while in Vancouver but I still had a great time. 😂 But I’m from the North and we’re much more likely to have visited Canada. People from the South are pretty far away and it’s a long way for them to travel.

  25. I went once long ago in the 70’s as a child. Uncommon around here.

  26. Pretty common for Americans who live in border states. Not very for those that don’t.

  27. Grew up a ferry ride to Canada, so quite frequently actually. I’m an outlier.

  28. I grew up in NYC and visited a handful of times when I was a kid. Since then usually once every three or four years…

  29. Pretty common. I live like 30 minutes from the border. It’s uncommon for people in my state to never have been to Ontario.

    I have an enhanced drivers license so I don’t need a passport to enter Canada. Not sure which other states offer an enhanced license but a ton of people here get them. It’s also very popular for teenagers to go to Canada to drink when they turn 19.

  30. I haven’t. But, it’s my plan for next summer. Nova Scotia is my next trip!

  31. Around here plenty have done it. I was planning to last summer but your country wouldn’t let me in.

  32. I have, but I was like 4 at the time and I don’t remember jack so I’m reluctant to actually count it

  33. Not common for people in the south, but quite common for people living in states that border Canada.

  34. We Minnesotans love driving up to Manitoba or Ontario for some wallys during the summer and winter months.

  35. If they’re on a border state/area it’s pretty common.Other areas not so much.In my exsperience the average American realy dosent travel out side the country.

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