If someone asks about something I have a lot of feelings about esp. if they keep asking questions sometimes I can talk & talk. But because they’ve asked questions I assume they’re interested then later I think oh maybe I talked too much.

And for some reason I’m not always as good as I should be about asking THEM questions or it’s more if I ask THEM something but they give a short answer.

I’m going through a lot this year plus I’ve been mostly extremely isolated much more than usual & not working at my very people orientated job where I had to talk all day.

I’m trying SO FREAKING HARD to be a better listener but today I failed.

Also as someone here said if I’m in a very quiet group and for a while NOBODY is talking but all standing around awkwardly that one can be problematic cos I feel someone has to say SOMETHING.

It’s if I’m asked about job & career that’s a big one. I have strong feelings about not wanting to return to working full time in that career & when people ask and they ask and they Fn ASK questions about THAT career I can’t help but say why I want to leave it and what I want to do and why. Cos also I don’t LIKE talking about that career but I’m excited about hoping doing less of it and something else entirely part of the time.

And then all the seem to care about is my Fn career which honestly I’m bored of talking about it.

Damn it. He said he’s retired,
Maybe I should have asked what he used to do but I don’t know why I didn’t?? Maybe I thought he’d be uncomfortable discussing it plus when I asked what do YOU do he didn’t say “I’m retired but I used to XYZ.”

Just “I’m retired. So you were (career)?”

Help me. Please.

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