What was the most obvious hint that a girl gave you and you completely missed it?

  1. Took me on a Valentine’s Day date. My oblivious ass thought it was just a friendly birthday dinner (my birthday is a couple days before Valentine’s Day) with a platonic female acquaintance.

  2. I see hints well, but I deliberately ignore them. Therefore, I have avoided many relationships with insincere women who refuse to answer for their desires.

  3. There was a girl who was going to the same school as I and i always took her to school with the car. Since it was a bit of a long drive we always had long and good conversations and we got along very well. And part of conversations obviously where stuff involving romantic stuff and so. One time the theme of the conversation was what i find attractive in women and what she finds attractive in men. I told her that one thing is that i always look for the hands if they are well looked after and i also told her that i find it very attractive if a girl has nicely polished nails.

    Next time she drove with me she had polished and good manicured nails. I mean i think they where good manicured before but she never had polish on them before. And she was also prominently displaying them. All i thought was “nice nail polish”. Took me long time to figure out it could have been a hint.

  4. This is was in High school like 12 years ago i had prom coming up and there was a girl i had a crush on but never did anything about it as i was leaving the country after the end of the year so didnā€™t see the point .

    so in my art class it was just the 2 of us she sat next to me and was asking me what my plans are for prom and if iā€™m going with anyone my dumbass just replied no wbu .

    years later for some reason i thought of that moment and i messaged her and asked her if i was reading to much into it she responded with ā€œIT TOOK YOU 3 FUCKING YEARS ā€

    if a girl isnā€™t straight forward as f with me i just donā€™t pick up on it at all .

  5. Invited me to hang in her dorm while she showered and got ready for a party. My dorm was down the hall and figured it’d make more sense to wait there. She ended up staying in, while I went to the party anyway. Took me several years to realize what happened lol.

  6. Think I’ve answered this before, but here goes. Sat next to this pretty brunette in one class in college, we get to know each other reasonably well. One day, we get on the subject of swimming. She invites me to go swimming with her, but we needed to “go to her room so I could tell her which bikini looked best on her first.” My stupid ass just says, “no, just pick one and meet me at the pool.” There was a long pause, and she made up some excuse about why she actually couldn’t go. It took me three years before I mentioned that incident to a female friend, who then explained to me what an idiot I was.

  7. A few girls.

    “Lol so did you know I had a big crush on you?”

    “Gosh, I wanted to go to the dance but no one’s asked me yet”

    “Since we go to the same gym tell me when you’re going so we could spot each other”

    And my personal favorite: God I’m so horny I’d even let you have sex with me right now. (My response was “it’ll pass”)

    Edit: I had little interest in sex or dating because of anxiety issues. I sort of tricked myself into thinking I couldn’t get laid or date so that I wouldn’t even consider it an option thus I was obtuse

  8. Happened the other day. In Starbucks, I order coffee, girl behind me whispers to me to ask for extra flavor because they don’t put enough in. I interpret it as just a nice gesture. While waiting for said coffee, when it came out, she comments how they didn’t fill it up completely. We have a brief conversation about it, and then her coffee comes out. Her next comment is “oh, now I have to find somewhere to sit” and I say good luck, and head back to work. It hits me about 10 seconds later.

  9. Back in college, a girl and I were in a class together. She came over to my dorm room to work on a project together. I had a single room so it didnā€™t have much space so we sat on the bed together. She moved really close to me. Like a dumbass, I moved a little bit away, thinking she wanted more space. Years later, it finally became obvious she was flirting with me. She was attractive, funny, and intelligent so I really fā€™ed up there. I will also add that I was a pretty withdrawn, reserved guy so that didnā€™t help me either.

    Edit: got rid of an extra letter

  10. I was walking out to the parking lot in highschool with the “hot girl”. I have no game, and have absolutely no intention of flirting. So being polite, I ask what she’s doing tonight. Makes doe eyes at me smiles and asks “nothing yet, why do you ask?”

    Me: “gonna go to band practice with the guys!”

    I will never recover

  11. My SO when we first met. She was a server at a place I frequent. I am usually pretty nice and end up in conversations wherever I go, so when it happened here, I didn’t really think too much of it. According to her, she dropped at least 20 hints that I missed over a 2 month period

  12. Common question here because itā€™s such a common and humorous (in retrospect) dramatic experience for us. My worst had spent the week we were working on a project together always near me, laughing at my jokes, looking into meā€¦ followed me to the ferry stern & stood right next to me alone under the stars on our way back from the island and Iā€™d justā€¦ blocked the whole thing out as a possibility because she lived in another part of the state. Still amazed I could be that dense.

  13. I doubt it was a hint, but I remember a girl once telling me there would’ve been a Harry Potter marathon at the cinema in uni and “you should come” kinda talk but I didn’t take it seriously because we were barely in touch back then. Then the weekend passed and when I saw her and her friends again she told me “you should have come!” Like she *really* expected me to be there.

  14. Woman gave me kiss me eyes and licked her lips. I gave her a hug goodbye. She was not happy when she texted me later. šŸ˜…

  15. LOL, once a girl followed me into the bathroom, waited for me to finish taking a leak, then opened the stall door, I sat there frozen and asked if she needed paper.

    She paused for a second, said yeah, then left.

  16. Was having a quick pint with a Co worker when she asked me what I’m looking for in a woman and asked why I was single….

    She then went on to suggest how she was i had given. I was just all ” oh, nice, good luck” and peaced out.

  17. ‘If you don’t at least try to fuck me I’m going to pull my hair out’

    I thought she needed a close place to sleep/avoid dui after karaoke (I lived around corner, we were co workers).

  18. “I feel dirty, we should go take a shower”


    In my defense I was dangerously high and didn’t wanna assume lol

  19. Someone wrote a note, put it in an envelope, and slipped it into my bag. Didn’t notice it til later in the day and found that it didn’t have a signature, so while the hint itself was super obvious, the person that sent it remained a mystery.

  20. I take the award on this one.

    Was drinking with some work friends one night and had a little too much to drink. One of the girls I was with was like ā€œyou can just ride with me and stay at my placeā€. And Iā€™m like ā€œok coolā€.

    So we get there and I start unloading my pockets on her coffee table and start to lay on the couch. She goes, ā€œyou donā€™t have to sleep out here, you can sleep in my bedā€. Again, Iā€™m like ā€œoh okay coolā€.

    She takes a shower and then comes and gets in the bed. She tells me I donā€™t have to sleep in my jeans, and Iā€™m like ā€œI donā€™t mindā€. Then a bit later as weā€™re laying there, she says her feet are cold. And thatā€™s all I remember before I mustā€™ve fallen asleep and woke up next morning.

    Like 10 years later, I remember randomly one day thinking, ā€œshitā€¦ā€

  21. Really attractive blonde girl that I used to work with was always smiling at me, being super nice to me, hugging me for no apparent reason, etc. One day we’re having a smoke on break…

    Her: “Do you wanna hang out after work?”

    Me: “huh?”

    Her: “Like at my place, there’s nobody else there”

    Me: “I was gonna just gonna go home and watch the game”

    Her: “oh.”

  22. We worked together. Standing side-by-side. She had her hand wedged between my crotch and the counter. It took too long for me to figure put, and when I did I assumed it was an accident.

  23. Girl climbed into bed with me.

    I never slept so close to the edge of my bed before.

  24. Massage. She was wearing overalls and no shirt underneath. Hit me about a decade later.

  25. Back in my youth I was out with a couple friends and two girls came over. One was really good looking and her friend was meh. She invited me back to her place and I said no because her friend was going to come and I wanted to hook up with her lol. I was so oblivious at the time til later when my friend was like ā€œwhy did you turn down the 3-way!?ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  26. In my university years I got to the library early and grab one of the comfy chairs with a nice view to study for an upcoming exam. Like half an hour later a girl my age comes and grabs the chair right next to me. After an hour or so she gets up and tells me she needs to leave for a few minutes and wonders if I can keep an eye on her stuff while sheā€™s gone. I said sure, no worries. She comes back, thanks me for watching her stuff, I say no problem. She proceeds to ask me what Iā€™ studying, do I have an exam coming up, etc. I politely look at her and answer her questions, but I donā€™t invite any discussion and donā€™t ask her any questions. She returns to her studies.

    An hour or so later she gets up again, and tells me that sheā€™s going to grab a cup of coffee and wonders if Iā€™d like her to get me something. Now this is *weird* – this all took place in Sweden, we donā€™t talk to strangers if we can avoid it (at least not while sober) and we certainly donā€™t offer strangers favors theyā€™re perfectly capable of doing for themselves (we might offer an elderly person our place on the bus, or help a lonely mother with a stroller up the escalators, but we donā€™t out of the blue offer to buy strangers coffee). I said thanks, but no thanks.

    Another hour or two goes by. She closes her book and packs up her things and I notice her looking at me. I look back. She says that sheā€™s off to the cafeteria for some lunch, and wonders if Iā€™d like to join her. This is even weirder – swedes eat with their friends, alone or not at all. We do not ask a stranger to eat with us. I thank her for the offer but inform her that I plan on going home for lunch in a little while, which was completely truthful. Thatā€™d been my plan all along, as I was trying to be frugal. She leaves, and a short while later I pack up my things and go home.

    Basically the second I stepped inside my apartment it struck me like lightning that this girl had probably been hitting on me.

  27. She grabbed my dick while we were making outā€¦

    My dumb ass thought it was an accidentā€¦

  28. Her: You want to go next door and get some food? It’s quiet over there.

    Me: Oh, trivia night is about to start…

    Her friend that I work with the next day:
    What the hell was that????

  29. Out On a night out for a friends birthday. Iā€™m at the bar ordering a round of drinks. Woman taps me on the shoulder and says that her friend really loves my hair style and it looks so good on me. Said friend then smiles and waves and says she really likes it and if she could buy me a drink?

    I said no thanks, Iā€™ve just bought one thank you! Wished them a good night and walked back to my friends and told them all about these lovely two women I just spoke to.

  30. I was sitting at a bar one night with a buddy, drinking and chatting. A cute blonde sits down next to me, orders a drink and some food. We talk a bit, then she goes back to her book. Her food arrives, she slides my drink over, said “there is no way I can finish this, help me”. So I take a few bites while we talk. I’m trying to balance talking to her with my buddy, who is drooling over some lady down from us and keeps interrupting me to tell me about his band (which sucks). After a while she starts to pack up, says “I hate going home alone”. I said “yeah, I know that pain”. She stares for a bit, leaves. My buddy starts talking about his band again and while I’m thinking of cutting myself because they suck and I no longer care about his band, it hits me. FML, what did I pass up?

  31. Someone who I liked at the time told me that her newly adopted kitten was named after me (I have a rare name) and I thought she was just being nice or something as we barely spoke. I just admired her from afar as I thought she was way out of my league

    It wasn’t until 9 months or so later when I found out she liked nerdy guys that it all clicked in my head unfortunately she just got into a relationship as well

    It was also one of the few times someone hit on me which adds a lot of salt to the wound

  32. While playing pubg with a close friend that I had a huge crush on for a while (and I found out later she had a crush on me), she asked if there is currently someone I have a crush on and I said: yeah but I am afraid that confessing it would ruin the friendship, she said: you should definitely tell her, maybe she is waiting for you. I said nah enough of that, focus on the game and let’s shoot these bastards. Man I should not have played pubg that day.

  33. Had friend who was a girl for a few years that I had a huge crush on. She was incredibly hot and very fun to be around. Anyway one day weā€™re watching a movie at my place and she decides since the couch is taken sheā€™ll just sit on my lap on my chair while we watch. I think ok cool that makes sense. Then later for reasons I wonā€™t explain here she had to stay at my place for a few nights and stayed in my super small bed with me. Anyways i didnā€™t catch on to this either even after she mentioned how sheā€™ll teach me to be good at cuddling. The happy ending to this story though is a few months later I got belligerently drunk and asked her out. Now weā€™re married.

  34. Every time I see these posts I’m reminding that I have never missed a hint because I never got any in the first place.

  35. She asked if I had ever seen a shaved pussy. I answered that yes, I have. So she clarified — “no, not like in porn, in person.” And I, being a dumbass, clarified that yes, and actually told her which girl I was talking about.

    I am not a smart man.

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