For the lasy few years I was working on myself but it seems to give no result. I lost a lot of weight and started working out(now I am pretty lean and muscular) got rid of acne, fixed my hairstyle and wardrobe. After all of that even though I started getting more compliments from familiar girls and even got a pretty high ratings on a photofeeler(I uploaded 3 pictures of myself and got 9.5, 9.1 and 9.4) it seemed to give no result because still no girl was interested in dating me. I started losing hope and thought it was all because of my height(I’m barely 5’8) but when I saw that gorgeous girl near my house walking with a dog, it took me one month to meet her again and 50 more days to make her my girlfriend, but now here we are, near 5 months together in a most perfect relationship I could ever imagine. She is the only girl who has ever liked me and I honestly am happy because she is the only one I need.

  1. Every Man should be doing this, building themselves up to improve, gaining confidence to ask the girl they like out and Only in Person not Online.

    But your journey isn’t over as you need financial success too, assets, savings, property and keeping to masculine frame of a stong successful man.

    Keep working on yourself and look for more optertunities in business and within your relationship your not done working to win her over or you get lazy in keeping her you lose her.

  2. That’s amazing! I’m so glad that you’re feeling better about yourself and that you’ve met a wonderful girl who makes you feel confident.

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