I just want to see how it’s for others, since my dad was cheating on my mom and it was discovered some days after I was born but they stayed married and he didn’t do it again.

  1. Was fine–if the person is forthright, prompt, and sincerely apologetic.

    Mine was, and I felt “lucky” for that. In the wake of it I felt the need to do soul searching and research on relationships to validate feelings, like I presume you’re doing here. That’s great!

    But trust your gut and if they come to you like I described above, the trauma is likely enough to ward them from doing it in the future, and even strengthen your relationship if there’s lots of good communication in the aftermath.

    My relationship lasted another two years. It only ended because her sex drive was almost nonexistent, ironically. We’re still best friends to this day though!

    Try not to use it as a weapon against them in the future. If you say they’re forgiven, I think that should be a binding pact. I know it’s painful right now but in a short time you’ll be amazed about the heart’s capacity to forgive.

  2. It depends… every situation is unique.
    I know of a couple where the husband’s work kept him overseas for months at a time before video calling or cell phones.

    I guess he was lonely because he had a mistress out there.

    Eventually, overseas work wasn’t needed so he moved on and no longer cheated once he could be by his wife everyday.

    The wife was angry but understood that he was likely just not handling the long distance thing well and was isolated out there.

  3. I’ve had two partners cheat on me.

    One – he told me three days after the event. And I was devastated. But our relationship was otherwise solid and we rebuilt trust. We’re still together.

    The other – he got someone pregnant and had been having unprotected sex with her for months behind my back. During this time, he had been rude and blamed me for problems in the relationship. He was constantly suggesting I was too needy or that I was being unreasonable. He did eventually come clean to me and I immediately knew it was over. I already felt like I was one-sidedly trying to keep the relationship going and once I knew he was also having unprotected sex behind my back…I had no interest in continuing to see him.

  4. My ex cheated during the 7 year mark. I stayed. He called off our wedding/relationship at the 9 year mark. You can read about it in my first post if you like.

  5. It really depends on alot of variables imo..
    About 7yrs into marriage ex cheated more than a one nighter.. I was traveling for work alot she was lonely etc ended up quitting to try and salvage my marriage and that worked for a few years but then cheated again even with me being home every night and that’s when I called it quits.. it all comes down to what you’re ok with, if you can truly forgive

  6. Not my story but I know a couple who the man cheated, she stayed, she revenge cheated, he stayed, and now they are weirdly loyal to each other? Idk tbh.

  7. It was horrible. She cheated many more times. Eventually she started embarrassing me and then she slept with one of my friends and he bragged about it to all my other friends. They all laughed in my face and I cut everyone out of my life. I haven’t been able to trust people and I still haven’t had a relationship since. This was 16 years ago. I have more respect for my self now but I don’t know how to approach a relationship.

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