What is one thing from the ’90s that you miss?

  1. Video game arcades. You know, the kind in the mall where kids would crowd around intense Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat matches. The ones today are mostly casual/amusement park games or it’s some bar combo that doesn’t have the same atmosphere.

  2. I understand why blockbuster went out of business, but Friday night movie rentals were awesome!

  3. Saturday morning cartoons. The feeling of waking up on a weekend without school and going straight to the TV without any real responsibility. No on-demand back then meant you had to wait in anticipation of your favorite shows coming on at a version time.

  4. Gas was really cheap. There was a mini gas war in my town and it got down to 44 cents and stayed like that for a year.

  5. A sense of wonder.

    You didn’t know something. You ask around, nobody knows the answer. You sit on it for a while and just wonder. Then you are at the library and spend 45min digging through the books on the topic, no answer. Then years later you meet somebody who knows the answer.

    It’s just an overall curiosity about how things worked and now you can get answers instantly.

    I was moving out of my office, and a young coworker was moving in. He didn’t understand why I had so many books, because everything is in the internet. It’s really not, thee is knowledge in those books that you can’t find on the internet. Don’t get me wrong, I love the internet and I love how easily I can learn some things, but it has a load of false information, bad practices, and outright lies.

  6. Bookstores. I’m a 40 year old, attending college after a 20 year lapse. I miss actual textbooks. Reading online sucks.

  7. The novelty of the Internet. Personal home pages with the crappy clip art and page counters.

  8. Being able to drop off or pickup family and friends at the airport right at the flights gate, and without dealing with security that violated all sorts of privacy.

  9. When MTV actually showed music videos. My cousin that lived with us would just leave the TV on the channel and I thoroughly enjoyed watching the music videos.

    By the time I reached my cousin’s age, MTV had almost nothing to do with music anymore.

  10. Dollar menus. You could get 3 items and a drink and legit be full off $4. A cheap date would be $10 for take out for two people and another $5 for a Blockbuster rental and popcorn.

  11. Actual rock bands with guitars. I think we used them all up in the ’90s

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