I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and a bit sick at the moment, so please forgive me if something doesn’t come across clearly.

This all began around three months ago when I realized that a few of my bras were missing. I didn’t think much of this, thinking they might have ended up mixed with my sister’s laundry or misplaced during the wash

But earlier today I noticed that my favorite and most comfortable bra was missing. I wanted to wear it so I searched throughout the house. I checked my sister’s drawer but it wasn’t there. I looked through my mom’s drawer and I still couldn’t find it. I decided to search through my Dad’s and my Brother’s drawers just in the chance they had somehow ended up there. While there was nothing in my Dad’s drawer, at the bottom of my Brother’s drawer, I found my bra, but also all the other missing bras. To my utter horror, each of them was clearly stained with dried semen and I wanted to throw up.

The disgust I felt was overwhelming, and even now, I still gag thinking about it. It’s just so disgusting especially since it’s my own brother. I’ve attempted to confront my Brother through texting hand calling him but he’s ignoring me, because he has definitely seen my messages. He’s spending the night at his girlfriend’s place and will be back tomorrow. I tried to talk to my parents about this, but they don’t care, they said that I’m an adult, I should handle it with my brother on my own. So, it seems I’m left to deal with this situation by myself.

I’m overwhelmed with feelings of violation and disgust, and I’m at a loss for what to do. I can’t move out , I’m currently without a job and dependent on my parents for money. I’m at a loss I don’t know how my parents just don’t care and I’m honestly scared for when my brother comes home, the only person here for me is my sister who thinks my Brother is a disgusting creep. If anyone has any advice it would be appreciated because I don’t know what to, I don’t think I can bear to look at my brother I just feel so disgusted.
How do I go about confronting my brother? is there any way for me to feel safe in my own house again?

TLDR I discovered my brother has been stealing my bras for 3 months now and ejaculating on them, parents are no help and I don’t know what to do

  1. this is NOT normal, he could borrow his girlfriend’s bras, why yours??? ofc is creepy and disgusting AF i would throw up. Maybe you could start considering getting a part-time job and save money to leave(?

  2. Tell his gf. Then tell him if you ever catch him with your bras again, you will tell everyone he knows until the end of time. That he will forever be that weird creep who couldn’t just use porn hub like everyone else.

    Also, your parents suck.

  3. I really feel sorry. Sorry for you to experience something like that, plus the reaction from your parents (how in god’s name can they just NOT care about this?), sorry for your brother as he obviously has serious problems that need to be solved, sorry for his gf to be together with such a creep, and last but not least sorry for myself because i can’t unread this. Please keep us updated on that one, btw.

  4. What…
    I’d be telling his girlfriend.
    You’re his sister. That’s disgusting! Tell the girlfriend, and suggest to your sister to lock her bras up in case he decides to use hers now he’s been found out 🤮

  5. Do you have extended family? Grandparents? Aunts or uncles? You need to reach out to adults who aren’t useless morons like your parents. You should also inform your parents that your home has become unsafe, and if they refuse to deal with the issue, you will go file charges with the police. You should file a report anyway. This could be the first sign of escalating behavior. Is your sister a minor? You and she shouldn’t have to live with a sexual deviant.

  6. Your parents are assholes. I’d consider slowly cutting them out of live over their response to this situation. Also, absolutely tell his gf.

  7. The fact that it’s just your bras is so fucking weird. That’s what REALLY crosses a line. Like maybe if it was yours, your moms, his gfs, your other sisters as well then it would just be a bra thing. But no. It’s a YOUR bra thing. I don’t know what I would do, but both of you living in the house sounds extremely unsafe to me. People can be unpredictable when called out for creepy/embarrassing things. Your parents are failing both of you.

  8. Kinda concerning here but you said you have a sister….does he do it to her shit too?

  9. Your parents want you to be an adult?

    Ok, do the adult thing. Call the police non-emergency number and see if you can make any report. Then follow their advice.

    Your parents would really wish they did something about it then, especially if a report is filed.

    Tell his girlfriend, and every girlfriend he has after that(within the first two weeks of new relationships). Tell his friends. Ruin his life.

    He wants to make you uncomfortable in your own home, in your *room*?

    To quote your parents, he’s an adult. He can deal with the consequences.

    Also, it’s probably the time to start doing your own laundry and try to get a lock on your door.

    If you get a part time job, a lock should be the first thing you invest in.

  10. Get a job, save money and move out! Seriously he’s sick and what if he’s touched you while asleep or watched you change and stuff! He’s a creep and you’re parents are awful

  11. Take pictures of the bras in his drawer!!!!! Screenshot the texts!!! Then tell his girlfriend!!! Oh, and be sure to go off on your parents for being so passive about their son being a fucking sexual deviant. This is disgusting.

    Also consider pressing charges to not only protect yourself, but your sister as well. I bet your parents will wish they did their jobs then.

  12. Put some shit on your moms bra and tell her you found one of hers in there too. See if that changes the parental support. Yes, tell the gf

  13. Time to install a lock on your door and start looking for other living arrangements

  14. Take a picture and send it in the family group chat with his girlfriend included.

  15. Ew, god, that’s so disturbing, and I’m sorry no one is taking this seriously. This is absolutely cut-contact worthy behavior.

    Sit down and make a plan.

    Get a small lockbox for your bras (I’d probably also put underwear in there) and keep the key on you at all time.

    What is your budget? Can you pick up extra shifts, an extra job, a new job, some gig work, etc. to boost your income?

    What is the cost of apartments around you like?

    Do any friends need a roommate? You can also just search for roommate ads (since living with friends often doesn’t work out – but it can be quicker) and see what kind of budget you need for that.

    Figure out how much you need to save up to get out and start putting aside money.

    Spend as much time as you can away from the house. Study and work on your resume at the library, volunteer, work, hang with friends, chill in the park.

    Make a plan and work the plan. Get out of there.

    Good luck.

  16. I would put a lock on you and your sister’s door! I would file a police report. Who knows if his behavior will escalate. This is fucked up. I am sorry.

  17. You have plenty of advice on how to handle the immediate issue. You also need to look for concealed cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms. One of the ways to do this is to look for anything that’s been added or is out of place, and examine those things. If there are electrical things that you don’t expect to use, unplug them although if there’s a camera in one of those there may be a battery backup. Another thing is to make the room dark, and then use a strong flashlight to look for lens reflection or small lights. It could be white, or it could be a color. You can also use your phone if it has infrared camera capability and look that way. There are camera detection apps but those can have malware so be careful if you use one to download from a trusted source. There are also network scanners out there that can look for cameras hooked up to your wifi.

    I’m so sorry that you are going through this, and with so little support from your family. Good luck with it and stay safe.

  18. Everyone else has the disgust covered but also, bras are expensive, he owes you money for every single one.

  19. Are there any other adults you could turn to? Grandparents, aunts, uncles? You’re not safe around your brother, and hopefully someone in your family will care about you.

  20. Put some of your mom’s good and expensive bras in your drawer. Pretty sure they’ll handle it when her bras are found crusting over in his room.

  21. Legitimately trying to be helpful, but check on r/cumonbras if he’s been posting them there.

  22. I’d go for the nuclear option and call the cops. He’s an adult and I’m 99% sure he can be charged with lewd behaviour and possibly theft. Your parents said to deal with it yourself, so do so. Decisively.

    Anyone want to guess what other perverted shit he does?

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