(23M) Something kinda weird happened. I liked this girl for a while, been seeing her hanging at this coffee shop, once I approached her and got her ig to set up a date, I lost interest and I’m not even sure if I wanna go now. It’s like I like something about her and she seems interesting but I don’t find her particularly attractive if that makes sense, she isn’t my type at all, so I don’t understand what it is that made me wanna approach her. I feel shallow for having these thoughts and judging people by their looks, but obviously finding someone attractive is the first thing that makes you want to approach, so looks do matter in a way, I think I’ll go on the date and see, but I don’t understand why and how this happened.
Anyone had a similar situation?

1 comment
  1. You probably saw her attractive from afar but probably saw something you didnt like up close.

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