Does anybody else do this as well? I am having trouble reaching out to friends whenever I needed someone to talk to. I am told that I was good at listening and giving insights but if I were to give myself, I often feel lost. Sometimes I would feel like asking my friends for advice but my thoughts would say that I’d look codependent or bother them.

But when I tried to think that I have no one else to ask help from, I get to focus on my problems and clear up my mind.

I’m not even anti-social, I often noticed that I work better with solitude but I didn’t want anyone to think that I’m doing it to offend them or anything. I just haven’t told this one friend of mine who always reaches out to me, that solitude works for me in times of distress.

  1. Its mostly about confidence and inner peace. Try to reduce stress through meditation and mindfulness practice and reduce anxiety through exposure therapy. Once you feel safe and calm the stuttering will go away

  2. When I feel stressed I seat in my car and go ride to city. There are a lot of moments, when I can die, but in this moments you dont think about death, only road in front of you. I don t know, how I am alive now… may be it is luck. (Sorry for my english)

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