I’m debating whether or not to ask out a friend. If she says no, it’ll be really awkward between us lol.

  1. She tells you directly that she sees you as a friend and isn’t interested in you romantically in any way.

  2. I just assume that people just want to be friends unless they specifically broach it

  3. The most definite sign is if you ask her out and she tells you that she sees you as a friend and is not interested in you romantically in any way.

    If you haven’t said it to her out loud, it’s going to be difficult to know because everyone thinks/behaves differently in these situations.

  4. depends long time friends from kindergarten you grew up next door to, or weird girl you’ve been stalking for 3 days?

  5. You might not want to go from zero to asking for a date. That’s kinda a big jump. Flirt with her! Touch her in little ways and see how she responds. Does she touch you back? Make eye contact with her. Joke around and flirt. If she’s into these things and reciprocating then ask her out. If she’s not flirting with you maybe don’t.

  6. I’m a woman so hope it’s okay to respond. Do you two flirt at all? You could try a bit and see if she seems receptive to it. It could also help her get the idea and start seeing you in that light more.

  7. You’re overthinking this. Just go for it. At the minimum, she’ll be flattered that you find her attractive even if she shoots you down, and most normal people will be cool about staying friends with someone who they rejected romantically. Also if you don’t make your interest known, then some other guy might come along and beat you to her.

  8. Ask her what her dating situation is and what she’s looking for. If it includes anything resembling you then you have your answer.

  9. Had a similar situation but the friendship was about 8 months long. She gave me lots of signs: flirting, Mimicking me, always turning her body towards me when talking, touches here and there…

    One night we were chilling in her car and I just went for the kiss. We’ve been on and off for the last little bit as we’re both going through personal issues.

    I say you just ask her to hang out and go for the kiss. Women love guys who take initiative.

  10. if she’s more affectionate with you than her other male friends, that could be a hint she likes you as more than a friend

  11. If you’re always the one that starts the conversation, she’s not into you.
    If she comes up with reasons to not hang out or talk more, she’s not into you.
    If she says any variation along the lines of “you’re a friend”, she’s not into you.

  12. If you have to ask this question then more than likely you are in a friend zone. When a woman is interested in a man she gives very clear signs that signifies her interest towards him. The body language shifts from being covert to being overt. Having said that, it certainly doesn’t hurt to ask her out.

  13. It will only be super awkward if you’re unable to live with her saying no and can’t see yourself back in the friendship role as you actually only really liked her more romantically

    It you’re able to live with the answer being no you should be able to accept to go straight back in the friendship mode!

    Also what works 9/10 times is when you want something to be a date; keep on calling it a date continuously! She either:
    Calls it a date often as well = bingo!
    Talks like she usual does = could be both
    Actively corrects you it isn’t a date = well this one is obvious right?😂

  14. *”What’s a clear sign a woman sees you as a friend and is not interested in you romantically in any way?”*

    She tells you.

  15. I guess when she talks shit about other people or tells you her problems in life. You’re probably her guy best friend

  16. She does not pull her tits out in front of you and makes milking motions with her nipples.

  17. You got 2 approaches with this which is easy way to find out. Easiest way not the smartest idea.

    1. Stop talking to them and see if they reach out, if they don’t. They most likely not interested.

    2. Date their best friend. If they get mad or jealous or just randomly angry at you, or talk shit about them. They most likely interested in you.

  18. Personally, I think it can be clear by her openly talking about her dating/past relationships with you (not only at the beginning but normally). If so, you’re friendzoned. (Of course others can have different opinions)

  19. The language. Mostly women talk very differently when they see you JUST AS A FRIEND.

    No flirting
    No trying to act hot
    Just plain texts and body language is of friendly demeanour

  20. Ask her out.

    It’s okay to see her as more than a friend.

    If you don’t, you’ll cement yourself as a friend regardless after a while, you’ll regret not having asked her out, it’ll still be awkward and you won’t move on since she didn’t decline.

    There’s a timing to it, don’t miss it.

  21. She’s stoic and doesn’t play with her hair or laugh at most of your comments or makes ridiculous excuses whenever you try to make plans.

  22. I had a similar situation that I just got over about a week or so ago. I was best friends with this girl for over a year and everyone assumed we were dating. In the start, she would touch me and smile when she saw me. As time went on we became closer. She invited me to her family’s bbqs, going to gym, hanging out every weekend, we did it all. I eventually got feelings and instead of telling her I bottled them up because I didn’t want to ruin the friendship. One day went on Facebook around June, saw she went on a date with someone else and I exploded on her. We haven’t talked since. It’s a shame I was so obsessive and immature and acted out how I did. I definitely scared her away and I will never get that thought of of my head

    The main point is- you don’t. Women are a different breed man. I got so many mixed signals that made me believe she liked me. Texting me first everyday in the morning, hanging out, etc. but in the end you never know until you ask. I wish I made my intentions clear with her way sooner. Don’t make the same mistake I did and wait. Just ask! If you don’t you will regret it

  23. If you go a week or longer without talking, who usually initiates the conversation? If it’s you, she thinks of you as a friend. If it’s her, she’s probably interested in more.

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