Even when i put myself out there, people change their expressions and often avoid being around me during social events with ridiculous excuses when i show up

Ive tried everything, being myself, being nice, having a sense of humor, being joke-mean (my friends do it but when i did it back they thought i was being serious), curating my personality to be what my friends would like. But nothing worked, i have 1 friend and thats it, how do i get people to like me? is it some magic trick or am i just an unlikeable person?\\

Not to mention, im too young to get a job in my country, and my school has 1 club, which i am the leader of.


  1. Do you have any self-confidence?

    What would you say is the biggest difference between you and people you admire who ARE socially successful?

  2. Just be yourself, it takes time. Some people might not like you and that’s fine. That’s the case for everyone, it takes time but you will find people that will like you for who you are. Maybe throw yourself out there? Like join a club or do something in your local community. Somewhere where you will be forced to interact with others and I have no doubt that you would soon find people who seriously like you. Hope it works out buddy.

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