Many high schools have events at night in the school, supposedly to prevent students from drinking after prom. How were your experiences.

Also tell the year. I feel most stories nowadays are less crazy.

  1. We went to a party at a buddy of mine’s parent’s lake house. It was a shit show. I woke up in the bed of my truck under a blanket with the girl I was dating, but I was spooning a case of Busch Light.

  2. We met in a secluded spot in the forest where there were multiple kegs, a bonfire, and loud music. Until the cops showed up and told everyone to leave.

  3. We went to the school after prom party.

    They had a bouncy castle, free arcade games, free casino games for real prizes, it was awesome. One of my friends won a TV.

  4. I got completely fucking trashed at the after party and had my first experience with whiskey dick in the bed of my truck.

    Ahh, high school. Sorry Melissa.

  5. I think they started having events because we were doing dangerous things and getting in drunk driving accidents.

    About 50 of us and stayed over at a friend’s parents lake house, did a lot of coke, got drunk and went skinny dipping.

  6. My friends and I went to a party in a hotel room, we all got pretty drunk. It was fun. Then my girlfriend at the time and I hooked up after everyone went to sleep… well, hopefully they were all asleep lol.

  7. I didn’t go to my prom. I went on the senior trip to Hawaii instead.

    Kids I know went to various clubs in Manhattan, then to the Jersey shore for the weekend.

  8. Drove around to multiple parties. My friend puked in my car so I cleaned puke out of my car from about 4am-6am.

  9. I don’t actually remember. If we did anything after, then we probably went back to someone’s house. Group I hung out with at the time didn’t drink, so it wasn’t anything alcohol related. I took my girlfriend and her best friend to prom (her friend had just broken up with her boyfriend). So we either went back to one of my friends’ houses or one of their houses.

  10. I went home lol, probably play video game. Wasn’t really close to the party people and didn’t have a date to bang so I just went home.

  11. There were four couples in my limo including myself and we went to a karaoke bar in the city directly after prom.

    The next morning we went to my parents lake house in Pennsylvania.

    All and all, prom was one of the best weekends of my life.

  12. Clean myself with tissue paper or sox or t-shPROM!!!!
    You said PROM!

    My bad.

  13. I went over to my friend’s house, we changed into our pajamas, drank a bottle of cheap champagne, and watched The Golden Girls. It was a great night.

    ETA: This was in 2004.

  14. Went to the beach then back to hotel, had my first shot of vodka and coughed for around 5 mins

  15. Honestly, I simply went home and immediately went to bed. I was absolutely exhausted and wasn’t in the mood for anything other than sleep. I strongly doubt I was the only one.

  16. 1997- we came back to my house to hang out and watch movies. My dates dad showed up all mad cause apparently he hadn’t told his folks what he’d be up to all night. There was a good crowd of us. Then in the pre dawn we drove through the canyon to the beach. (I lived in CA).

  17. I wanted to go to my friend’s hotel room but my mama wouldn’t let me lmaoo so me and my ex just hung out

    Usually in the black community anyway, people get hotel rooms n shit after

  18. I never went. I wanted to go so badly but no one asked me so I ended up not going.

  19. ‘92- bunch of us rented a whole bunch of hotel rooms on the save floor and did lots of illegal things. Mainly drink and smoke pot.

  20. I just went home. It ended up being pretty lame and uneventful. Crappy DJ, abysmal sound quality, shitty food. Plus I lived 40 minutes from the venue, so I got home late and wasn’t in the mood to do anything else.

    Edit: this was 2012

  21. 2017- Didn’t go, requested to work that night because I didn’t have a date. Invited my coworker to come with me to Denny’s after our shift and we just hung out. All my friends came in like 15 minutes later from the prom still dressed up. Honestly, I still had a pretty good night because my coworker was a cool dude.

  22. Went out to a diner with my GF/ now wife, drove her home, made out for a bit in the back seat and touched a boob or two before she went inside.

  23. Had mediocre sex in the back seat of my Honda Accord, then went to my friends house to hang out and have a few beers with our friend group. Really boring and uneventful honestly

  24. Oh i skipped my prom. It was the same DJ who did all the other school dances, in a small hotel ball room for 5X the cost of a regular school dance. There was no catering, they infact ran out of drinks other than water. And it was apparently so tight that people couldn’t move.

    Based on my experience at that time, Going to party with the people I liked to be around was far more worth the money.

  25. Went to a friend’s house for an after party. Stayed the night in a tent in the back yard. The details of that night kind of elude me.

    That was for my senior prom.

    I went to all four years of proms though (had a girlfriend that was a junior when I was a freshman and a senior when I was a sophomore). Freshman year I went to her place for a bit and then walked home. Sophomore year I went to a party after but got picked up by my dad before midnight.

    Junior year I went to my girlfriend’s house and we walked over to a park and the cops came because you weren’t supposed to be at the park after dark. Turns out the officer was good friends with my cousin’s boyfriend. My cousin and the officers girlfriend had been in the same sorority. So he went east on us because we weren’t causing trouble and weren’t high or drunk.

  26. There were 3 different house parties. I went to two but wasn’t any fun. I didn’t drink alcohol yet. Ended up sneaking my date into my house and fucking on the couch. Wasn’t our first time so nothing special.

  27. We went to Denny’s and had fries and milkshakes and gossiped.

    Damn, I was such a nerd. Didn’t even get drunk.

  28. 2012

    We had a school-sponsored after prom party. After that I went home and slept because I had work the next day.

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