so we’ve been together for not long, maybe a bit over a month, but we’ve known each other longer. our relationship is really tight— we’re comfortable with each other and our bond feels special. there’s been a couple times where he tried to kiss me but i moved away. for some reason, it makes me really nervous. i like him a lot and i honestly think he’s one of the most attractive guys but whenever i’m put in a position when we’re about to kiss or we could kiss, i always move away. the best way i could describe it is it scares me. i don’t want to be a bad kisser, i don’t want it to be a bad kiss (my first kiss was terrible. i don’t want that.), i want it to be perfect. despite the fact that i want to kiss him, i can’t. i feel bad and i feel like i’m just being annoying or something. does anyone have any advice?

  1. Keep moving away and there will be no kiss, good or bad. Your over thinking it…

  2. Well, my gf moved away when I tried to kiss her during movie Frozen 2 . It was kinda date night. Then after 3 days she expressed that she could be bad in kissing, and I right away smooched her and said after its alright now we make fun of it. Being perfect comes with time and practice.. u don’t want this to practice on someone else and be perfect with him. Kiss him if u want to, otherwise do tell him how u feel he will sort something out. Start with cheek pecks or lip pecks it will make u comfortable and build a feel bond to it.

  3. You’re overthinking it! Kissing someone is always nerve racking the first time, totally normal to feel scared.

    He clearly likes you- you clearly like him, so just try to have fun with it. Once you do it once it’ll be easy after that.

  4. If your primary reason for not kissing him is your lack of confidence in your ability to kiss well, there are plenty of online resources that can teach you how to kiss. There are quite a few phone apps, as well. Kiss Tips is an Android phone app that is rated 4.7 by users.

    Or, you could ask him to teach you, which could be a bonding experience for both of you.

    Don’t keep putting him off unless you’re wanting to send him a rejection message. If all else fails, let him kiss your breasts and bypass the oral-to-oral.

    In reality, you are probably over thinking this. He will enjoy whatever your first kiss is like, and you can work on improving it going forward. Keep in mind the romance and emotion you are conveying to each other.

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