Me and my boyfriend finally moved in together after a year of long distance. I usually don’t come on here when it comes to relationship stuff, but i need to know. Me and him have lived together for a month and a half so far, and we’ve had sex constantly. The other night he told me i had bad hygiene. Were broke so we don’t eat too healthy, but we make do with what we have. I don’t drink a ton of water, but i drink what I’ve ve been told is enough. (A glass or two a day). Ive been trying to eat pineapple but i have an acid reflux so i cant eat too much or i get sick. I clean myself regularly, with water and non scented, sensitive soap.
I don’t know what else to do? I hate that i cant smell anything, ill even smell myself and i smell nothing. It makes me feel bad. Any advice?

Edit: for anyone hating on my water take, i came from a very abusive home who didn’t care for my health, she used too make me step on a scale after drinking three glasses and tell me how i was fat(i didn’t know until five seconds ago that this was water weight and how its healthy)I appreciate all those who are giving helpful advise
My fiancé on the other hand he wont even take a shit without needing to wash his ass 🤣, so he’s very good about being clean. Were both very young and came from bad homes who didn’t bother to teach us basic things.
One more thing. He told me in a very kind manner, he sat me down and said it smelled off and we talked about why it could be.

  1. All vaginas have a subtle smell, but if the smell is pungent and unpleasant, it may be an effect of a health problem. Is it possible for you to see an OBGYN?

  2. Awh honey, I bet that hasn’t made you feel great. We’re women, we all smell/taste different. Your hygiene sounds fine. Have you been tested for BV? It’s not an STI but we can get it from having too much sex, condoms, semen. Basically it can cause a change in the natural balance of our bacteria. Sometimes we don’t have symptoms. In the UK you can buy tests yourself and treatment, or the dr can test you and give you some antibiotics. Also, we need to be drinking a lot more water than that. I wouldn’t worry about the pineapple either. I think your partner needs to accept your scent x

  3. It could be a couple things. First, you should go go to a clinic and get tested for bacterial vaginosis (BV). If you’re having that much sex you vagina PH is probably getting thrown out if wack causing a smell. If it’s a fishy-ish smell, this is probably what’s going on. I want to be very clear that this is NOT a hygiene issue. It’s simply just a change in your vag from lots of extra fluids, fingers, mouths, and a dick being inside you way often introducing extra bacteria and germs. Boric acid suppositories are an over the counter treatment you can use to help with the smell/re-balance your vaginal PH. Drugstores usually have these for 15-30 dollars a bottle depending on my area.

    Second, make sure this boyfriend of yours washes his dick, hands, and has good oral hygiene (flossing and brushing!!) before any parts of him touch your vagina. If he is being gross, his germs and bacteria getting all up inside your body could very well be causing things to get upset in your vagina too. If he’s coming inside you without a condom – switch to using condoms while you’re undergoing treatment bc his sperm could be causing the problem too.

    Third, drink more water. Keep eating as healthily as you can on your budget. And teach your boyfriend some empathy. This is also a him problem – any man who has sex with a women contributes to the outcomes of sex: babies, STDs, STIs, and PH balance issues.

  4. Serious question, has your boyfriend ever been with other women? Does he realize that vaginas are a part of the body and tend to have a smell?

    I guess I’m not sure if this comment is based off of his lack of experience and squeamishness or if you have an actual problem? Especially since you’re unable to smell anything unusual which makes me think it might be him?

  5. Constant sex will make your vagina smell much stronger. If he’s not wearing a condom then he is contributing to the odor. If it truly smells bad you may have a yeast infection. Not uncommon to get yeast and or bladder infection when you go from no to little sex to lots of sex. You can go to a doctor if you feel something is wrong and want to be sure everything is ok.

  6. He doesn’t know what pussy is supposed to smell like or simply doesn’t like giving head and is immature or he’s a sadist and is systematically trying to break down your self esteem and create insecurities so you’ll never feel confident enough to leave him.

    Either one you prob shouldn’t be dating him.

  7. All vaginas smell sometimes good sometimes bad but you wash yours so it probably doesn’t smell your having sex your turned on that a good smell the best smell

  8. I would be inclined to think it’s a medical issue. I have an unhealthy diet and habits but I don’t have issues with odor or taste.

  9. I think you need to drink more water. 1-2 glasses doesn’t seem enough. I don’t drink enough either but do drink a lot of herbal tea as well.

    My former girl had some funky smells and she was among the cleanest people I’ve encountered. She told me how she cleaned it (Water only) which I think is correct? It often smelled like onions accompanied with thicker discharge (and she loved oral ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream).)

    I never said anything to her about it and always obliged her with my tongue. Your man needs to learn some manners.

  10. A glass or two of water a day is not enough. I would be dying of thirst just from two glasses a day. I usually drink 8 to 10 glasses a day but the recommened is 6 to 8.

  11. I drink about 15 cups of water a day and have zero feminine issues. You are terribly dehydrated!! No way can you taste good (or smell good) with so littie water. Water is free! Drink up!

  12. One glass or 2 is defo not enough water a day lol. But either way go get swabbed by a doctor to test for bv and any bacterial infections. Also the sex might just be making you smell off if you guys don’t use condoms

  13. Every woman’s vagina has their own unique scent, usually just pheromones. As long as you’re keeping yourself clean down there, he honestly shouldn’t be complaining and telling you might have come from his heart, but I think it’s a little disrespectful.

  14. He’s either referring to just the natural smell of you which every persons privates smell to a certain degree not bad but they all have a certain scent, in which case he’s an asshole, or he’s probably given you B.V. from his bad hygiene or him using scented soaps on himself and then having sex with you, you can get creams and stuff for B.V. out of the chemist maybe try that first and if he’s still saying there’s no difference then he’s literally just talking about the scent of you vagina which every woman has

  15. You don’t have bad hygiene, your boyfriend just needs to grow up. Stop eating pineapple and tell him that vaginas smell like vagina, they will never and should never smell like roses and if he can’t handle that maybe he shouldn’t be having sex yet, he’s not mature enough.

  16. ***It could very well be the bacteria on his penis. I dated this one guy for five years and my vagina would smell terrible. We broke up started dating other guys and I never had that problem ever again. My ex just had a dirty dick lmao.***

    ***Diet can definitely play a big part in your smell. For example, if you’re eating too much sugar, a lot of processed foods that’s gonna knock your whole body out of balance. More fruits & veggies. More water.***

    ***I know when I go on my sugar binges before my period it makes me smell, so I pop a boric acid suppository up there usually one is suffice for me and it’s gone.***

    ***Never let a man make you feel self-conscious, or feel bad about your lady parts. If he does, then he needs to kick rocks!***

  17. you can get boric acid over the counter, from amazon even. it’s a suppository that rests your ph balance and can help prevent BV which can cause smell. try eating more probiotic rich food like yogurt and sauerkraut! BV stems from a micro biome imbalance. some specific strains that might be helpful are l. reuteri and s. boulardii. those probiotic strains have antibacterial properties and help prevent infections

  18. It could be PH levels, you honestly are what you eat and need to be hydrated
    , Other than that yeah not enough water is not good and maybe a UTI?

  19. All vaginas have a smell, it’s normal, it’s a matter of checking if the smell is too strong. And girl, two glasses of water a day is not enough at all, you require a minimum of 5 glasses, but first of all check with your doctor

  20. If he’s cumming inside you “constantly,” like you said your vagina probably DOES smell rank. Semen changes the ph and smell of the vagina by a lot. Like, when I get cum inside me it smells RANCID after a few hours. I would suggest having him finish somewhere else every once in a while, or use condoms for a week and see how the smell changes. Should open his eyes to the fact that HE is contributing to the smell. When he does cum inside you need to go pee right away and rinse yourself off/out. I guarantee if you’re healthy that’s the issue.

  21. Definitely should drink more water. But I’d go to a health department or clinic and just be seen. Sorry, it’s embarrassing, but u should be happy he felt comfortable enough to tell u. 😊 ur a woman get used to ur vagina doing odd things. Dosnt take much to set off our PH u said lots of sex occurs that can do it. Best wishes

  22. Hey! Please drink more water!!! You should be drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day, that may effect things.

    Also having a lot of sex can throw the PH off and make things smellier than usual

  23. Maam where did you get the info a glass or two a day of water is enough? 🤡

  24. If you’re having lots of sex, you might have BV from bacteria from his penis or his semen could be throwing off your pH balance. Eating pineapple is for the taste of semen because the acid effects the flavor of nut, wouldn’t do much for a woman. Go see a gyno when you can.

  25. Maybe it’s not your soap you should replace, perhaps it’s your boyfriend.

    Sorry I don’t mean to make you feel bad. My wife and I were together 35 years and she got a few UTI’s and some vaginal infections but I don’t remember her pussy ever smelling bad. The only time I remember it did was when she was almost due with our first kid. She was overdue, had pre clampsia so she was on bed rest and to put it mildly she was flipping out. I decided that eating her out couldn’t hurt anything but when I got my face down there like of pregnant women her bladder control wasn’t perfect and she didn’t smell too fresh. I felt like I was taking 1 for the team and her stomach was so big she couldn’t see the look on my face

  26. If it’s fishy your doing something wrong, if it smells like vagina he’s delusional and needs to learn to worship it like a man, fuck it like a man, and leave it leaking like a man! WTUE said it best “Im not like other people’s couches,, i dont pull out”

  27. All Vaginas smell, if your boyfriend doesn’t like the smell, it’s s because he isn’t into you anymore. When you are
    Not into a person you, start seeing all the cons, but not the pros. Body smell is part of that connection. Get a new boyfriend.

  28. “Clean myself regularly”

    Ughhh. I guarantee that’s not enough. Shower every day and wash your naughty bits every day.

  29. Maybe he’s never been downtown or something wrong with him. I’ve never smelled a bad Vajayjay. I got my wings because ladies need to be pleased. Wish you well

  30. Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthy… that’s a poverty mindset. Cheaper to go to your local family run veg store and learn how to cook basic meals Vs takeout. What you put in your body will impact your BO.

  31. I think you should clean your ass with water. not from tissues .you should also clean your pussy with water after toilet. because underwear are wet though urine . and then smell .

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