So I’ve[20F] been talking to this guy[21M] for a few weeks now. He was the one that initiated the conversation. We are both on the same page of wanting something casual. Some days ago we met up and had sex. It was pretty good since we both like the same things and are overall quite compatible. After that day we kept talking as usual and he invited me a couple of times to meet him again however I have been too busy lately and I explained that to him. I also told him I also wanted to meet him again. The issue is lately he has started taking too long to reply. Like more than a day and has also been active on that social media platform while still not answering me. Should I just assume he’s no longer interested? Should I just not continue the conversation and save him the work?
Tl;dr: Guy I have been very casually seeing suddenly seeming not interested and I have no patience for this. What do I do?
Ps – Don’t tell me he must be busy. Sending a text doesn’t take more than a few seconds and if that was the case he could just tell me.

1 comment
  1. My guess is that now he had sex with you , his sense of urgency to nurture your connection is no longer necessary for him. He is active probably busy with several chicks lined up and is interested in casual sex hook ups without strings attached. This sucks for you because guys that we find attractive enough to have sex with is rare – and you mentioned sex was enjoyable for you so I understand why you are confused and unsure of what to do.
    Your best bet (if you actually want to see him again) would be to show interest in other guys on the site and DO NoT message him again . Wait for him to make a move and don’t respond immediately when he does. You both wanted casual sex so do not ask him why he ghosted you while obviously still active on site . That will ruin your desirability and he will not be attracted to bb that neediness or jealousy and if he is a commitment phobic guy – it will drive him as far away as possible.
    So move on to other guys and live your life. He may be just a player and likes the chase but doesn’t want a relationship so he loses interest after he has sex with a girl. Very common issue these days.
    I would also get tested for std’s just to be safe just in case and you can decide if you want to meet up again if he does reach out for another hook up.

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