I’m sure I’m gonna sound like a broken record for saying this, but college for me has been the happiest few years of my life. Just thinking back to those days where me and my 5 roommates (+a couple other friends) hung out in our flat having hotpot, movie nights, clubbing, even just studying together, having others to confide with, crack jokes with, and share a good time made it all the more eventful and heartwarming.

So I’ve been out of college for about a year now and working full time in Hong Kong, and even though I still stay in touch with some close friends on social media, sometimes I would feel completely cut off from my friend networks; no people to have meaningful conversations with, no fun activities to relieve stress, no source of emotional support (I used to spend plenty of time with my parents, but they’ve been spending more time abroad ever since I’ve graduated).

Maybe its because of the fact that my job is rather anti-social and time consuming (working in sales, where we don’t technically have “coworkers” to talk to), or because most of my friends and people I know are still overseas either working or pursuing further education, but one thing is certain: These thoughts have been getting increasingly prominent across the past year, and thinking back, there was one time where I nearly had a panic attack because of them.

While I am considering taking a postgraduate degree starting sometime in 2024 or 2025, I want to expand my social network with more people my age (i.e. around 20-28 yrs old), but I’m not sure where to begin. Any tips on social networking post-college?



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